🥐Dont cry over spilt milk! (Knifexlightbulb)🥐

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Lightbulbs POV

It was a typical Wednesday at hotel OJ and as usual I was super. Duper. Bored. Test tube was busy in her lab doing who knows what and painty was helping apple improve her painting skills. Fan was always busy with his stupid blog and I was left to do nothing! Nothing could make this day worse!!! Well one thing could, the rumble in my stomach caught my attention. How come only now did i relize I'm really hungry. I kinda want muffins. Yeah muffins sound good. One problem though. "No." OJ said "Come on im really hungry!" I whined "you know the rules lightbulb. Without supervison of someone sensible you are not, under any circumstances, allowed in the kitchen." OJ said even if I had heard that same thing over and over again he still seemed to think it was important to remind me every single time I ask to use the kitchen "I promise not to electrocute the toaster!" I said hoping to change OJ's mind "A no is a no lightbulb im sure you'd find some other way to burn something or break things or start a fire im just too busy to deal with that!" OJ sighed "If you're that hungry just grab a bag of chips or something" OJ said "But-" My protest was cut short "No, lightbulb, come and talk to me if you find anyone desprate enough to cook with you but until then thats final." And with that OJ walked off.

Knock after knock and I was getting the same answer "No" "no" and the worst "not now" which is just 'no' trying to sound like 'yes' but actually meaning 'no' I had asked just about all of the hotel until I stood at the last door (not really but still) I took a deep breathe a knocked on the door, im almost certain it was going to be another no but I still had to try "Ye- oh lightbulb, what do you want." Knife said in his usually impatient tone "Heeeey knife!" Knife raised an eyebrow which told me to continue "Well, so, you know how im not really allowed in the ki-" once again I was cut off "No." "What!?" I said, I didn't even finish what I was gonna say "I said 'No'" he said simply "I heard that but-" and ONCE AGAIN I was CUT OFF. People are so RUDE "Great, have a horrible day" he said shutting the door in my face. Without thinking I shoved my foot in the doorway stopping the door from closing all the way "Lightbulb-" AHA REVENGE BABY I cut knife of "PLEASE" I said "I just want muffins" I heard knife groan and he opened the door "Fine if it will shut you up" YES SUCCESS

Knifes POV

Lightbulb dragged me down the stairs and into the main room where a couple other people sat chattering amongst themselves as usual "OJ!" Lightbulb yelled "Yes lightbulb?" He asked before looking at me and laughing a bit "Knife agreed to make muffins with me!" She said "Ok great!" He said holding back his laughs "You have permisson tho use the kitchen!" Lightbulb jumped a bit before dragging me off to the kitchen before we left I heard the room burst into laughter. God this was embarrassing "Ok!" Lighttbulb said finally letting go of me "Where to start" she said. I assumed she was using a figure of speech but the scilence that filled the room soon lead me to believe other wise. I stood up and crossed my arms "Why should i know." I said bitterly "You agreed to make muffins that you dont know how to bake?" She said looking at me "I thought you knew ho to make them?" I spat back "Im banned from the kitchen why would you expect me to know how to make anything?" She asked "Whatever" I hissed "It cant be that hard"

No one's POV

"We need flour!" Lightbulb said grabbing a bag off the counter and pouring a random amount in the bowl "And eggs" Knife said pulling the carton out of the fridge "Grab the milk too!" Lightbulb said smashing a few eggs in the bowl "Are you measuring anything?" Knife asked setting the milk on the counter "Pfft- measurements shmeasurements" lightbulb said leaning in the counter and accidently knocking the flour bag over sending flour everywhere! "LIGHTBULB!" Knife said knocking over the milk "That wasnt me!" Knife took a step forward trying to grab lightbulb but slipped on the spilt milk. Knife tried to grab the counter to stop himself from falling but instead grabbed the bowl and spilling eggs and flour all over himself.


I passed by the kitchen to check on lightbulb and knife and wasn't to pleased when I heard what sound like the clattering of a bowl and lightbulb laughing. Imagine the surprise when I looked into the kitchen and saw knife on the floor covered in what looked like eggs and just like the rest of the kitchen also covered in flour. Lightbulb just stood over him laughing and he just stayed on the floor keeping his head down in defeat I broke the moment between the two by talking "I... dont have time for this" and  that I walked away hearing lightbulb burst out laughing again. My poor kitchen destroyed once again by lightbulb

906 words! An odd duo indeed but I saw some fan art of them (not the one at the top) and decided why not make a oneshot of them!

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