She couldn't even look at Lloyd. She made such a stupid mistake, and she wished she didn't try to go after him again. It was stupid, and she wished she would've learned from the first time she did so. But then again, she really should've known! That was her third time trying to confront him. How stupid could she be!? She scolded herself, and then muttered. 'Stupid, Stupid, Stupid!' She scolded herself sliently underneath her breath.

Lloyd gave her a concerned look, as he took a step forward, and looked at her. "Rumi, Are you okay?" He asked as he saw her still not answering her he was getting conceded now. "What's going on? What are they talking about?" He asked as he now had a little more command in his voice. She signed, as she shifted her foot, moving it slightly. As she know knew she couldn't get out of it, taking a breath she spoke. "I kinda went after Zephyr, after The girls told me not too" she said. As Lloyds eyes widened. "WHAT!? Harumi He nearly killed you last time! Why would you go after him!"

Harumi looked sad, as she didn't know why, but she felt anger rising up, and she could only clench her fists before she attacked Lloyd with her power. "Oh I don't know Lloyd! Why don't you tell me why you left the city!" She said, as she watched as he raised an eyebrow, before speaking. "We did it because, there was nothing we could do! Leaving the city was the safest bet for us!" Harumi only laughed, as she then rolled her shoulders back. "Oh, and here I never thought Ninja.Never.Quit" she said.

It was then Lloyd got angry, and then Lloyd said: "Well excuse me! I thought my girlfriend died, and The other ninja got, Oh you know! Turned evil so excuse me, for leaving" he says as he then said the words he wished he never said: "Not all of us can disappear, on the city, and leave the rest of us to defend the city you rule". Harumi felt tears prick at the corners of her eyes. "You know It didn't have choice! You think I wanted all this bad Stuff to happen to me! I never asked for any of this!" She yelled.

It was then Lloyd said the cruelest thing that he could ever said: "Oh yea, well wasn't it your Choice to resurrect My father from the dead, And Destroy Ninjago City. The city you said You wanted to Return to glory? Well guess what You failed Quiet one You failed Miserably, and I wish I never Loved you! In fact I wish we never met!" He yelled.

Harumi's eyes welled up with tears, as her voice began cracking, and She began shaking, and Lloyd's eyes widened, as he realized what he said. He put his hand out, his Voice Shaking. "Rumi, no I'm sorry I didn't me—" Full tears started to come down fast out of her eyes, her voice cracked, and She hiccuped. "I already Feel terrible, about that Lloyd!" She said her hands shaking. "There isn't a moment that goes by, that I Don't regret what I did, I feel awful about what I did! And I'm going through so much right Now, and I've been through so much, I'm shocked I haven't had a break down!" She said as she looked away she wiped a tear from her eye.

"I've been isolated, and hated by my friends! When it wasn't even my fault That you all hated me!" She says, as she started breaking down even more. "You think I wanted to your fathers daughter! No No No, Lloyd I didn't! That was on your father! He turned me into a Baby Lloyd, He tried to make me forget the resistance, He lied to me, and told me You all Didn't care about me anymore! And that you all never did. He made a Friggin Scarecrow or whatever to look like you, and taunted me with it! Breaking me even more!", she says she looked away she was so angry and there was so much stuff she wanted to get out.

"I got bit By an Oni, and I thought Collin was my friend But Nope! That wasn't the case at all not even close! Not even close at all, it was all a lie. He just wanted information about me! He just wanted to know about all your weaknesses" she said as she clenched her fists even more, she was shaky. "When I went to rescue my Friend, The worst possible thing could've happened to me!" She yelled as tears continued going down, eveyone around them wa slient no one made a peep, and no one spoke, only Harumi's yells could be heard.

"I got captured by the Oni! And totured for information! They shocked me so many times to get information about you guys, and even if you all hated me, I never gave you up! Because I still cared about all of you Lloyd, I really did, and I hope you know that". She looked away as she wanted to fall to her knees she felt so weak, and she wanted to collapse but didn't.

"I was hunted for something I never wanted, or asked for Lloyd" she said, as she started walking away from Lloyd her back turned. "I never asked to be an elemental master, Lloyd, and Because I am, I was hunted for my blood, and nearly killed twice!" She let out a shaky sigh. "Zephyr wanted me alone, and isolated, and He did So, because You all decided to believe a stranger, a person You all never met before over me" she said. "Because, all of you belived him.

he was able to mess with me, and Hurt me so Badly to the point I'm scared to sleep, and Be alone" she said as she looked up at the celling. "Because whenever I was alone, zephyr was always there, lurking, mocking me, and taking every chance to hurt me, that he could" she watched as the water dripped, and then she turned to Lloyd, who looked saddened, she walked over to him, and then said: "I know, I did Horrible things Lloyd, and I know I ruined your life, but tell me this L-Lloyd" she sniffled, and then looked at her hands. "Even if I did those things as the quiet one, does it really give the right for all those horrible things to happen to me?" She asked."Did I Truly deserve it?" She asked

Not even waiting for an answer, Harumi then ran away crying, deeper into the sewers, as The girls called out her name. As she continued crying, as she just continued running deeper, and deeper into the sewer, not looking bad as she cried harder.


Hello eveyone, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I nearly started crying, as I wrote the fight between Lloyd, and Harumi fighting. It was such a happy moment, and it had to be interrupted unfortunately. Don't worry they will have more happier moments in the Arc. But anyway it's late and I should start heading to sleep, I have to catch a plane in the morning. But anyway have a question put it in the comments I'm always happy to answer. Alright guys, I hope you all have a great day or Night depending on your time zone We shall see you in two weeks! Bye guys Jdizzle Sighing out Peace!

Reconciled hearts: a season9(Lloyrumi story)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें