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I reached my house and went in not even looking at anyone of the people in the room , I ran upstairs to my room and shut the door, I sat down on my bed and started to think about everything , Carl changed a lot but it looks like he's the asshole one again , he really started this shit for nothing gosh. I was in my thoughts and oliver walked in without knocking or anything " Jesus Christ Oliver , you scared the shit out of me " I said putting my hand on my chest
" my bad " he apologized " that's okay but next time knock on the fucking door okay " i snapped " you're in a bad mood huh " he asked putting his hands on my shoulders " yeah i fucked up " I scratched the back of my head " with Carl ?" he asked " yes o but I swear he started the fight " i told him " oh I see " he sat down on the floor in front of me  " look , you can talk to me about everything, I love you you know that right?" he squeezed my hands " i know and I love you too , o " I wrapped my arms around his shoulder and hugged him " you're my number one girl " he chuckled " yeah yeah I know " i let a small laugh out " okay now Let's go " he grabbed my hand " where ?" I raised a brow " Downstairs , you know eat " he was acting like he was confused
" haha very funny, you go I'll come after you " i told him " okay bitch " he exited my room " hey ! Don't call me that " I shouted so that he could hear me
i decided to text Lucas before going downstairs it's been a week that he didn't responded to my texts or calls or emails that I sent him. Anything

my bestie 👯‍♀️

hey Lucas how are you
a lot of things happened!
ft me when you can it's important
15th October

hey are you busy? please ft me when you can I want to talk to you
16th October

okay I get it Lucas you're ignoring me just for your girl?
17th October

you tried to call my bestie 👯‍♀️
you tried to call my bestie 👯‍♀️

hey Lucas please I need you and I love you and miss you call me or text me
18th October

that's not funny anymore please call me Lucas
love you <3
3days ago

Lucas I'm worried about you please just text me something, fuck

you tried to call my bestie 👯‍♀️
2days ago

Hey Lucas im sorry I really am , I don't even know what I did please im worried about you i love you so fucking much please just text me when you can, I need you and I want to hug you so fucking tight right now
love you

but when I saw all the texts that I sent to Lucas this whole week I decided to stop texting him until he respond to all the messages because he can't ignore me and all these massage's forever
I really missed him , I needed him right now
I know I have a lot of people that I can talk to here especially my family and my friends I mean I met jacob 3 days ago i don't mean I don't trust him it's just he doesn't know about me so much and doesn't even know who I am yet , and Carl I trust him , a lot , but since he's being an asshole I don't wanna talk to him and Oliver my childhood bestie,  my favorite Blake and my cousin , I trust him with my life but I don't want to upset him about my stupid problems but Lucas will listen to me even if it's stupid . I really really miss Lucas ..
" omg lili  it's been 20 minutes " Oliver shouted so that I can hear him " I'm coming!" I yelled standing up and exiting my room
I went downstairs and entered the kitchen where everyone were sitting and talking
but something really made me happy today
seeing Ben and karina together again
they are so cute together
" are you guys good " i asked them
" yes " they answered and kissed each other
" I'm happy for you guys " I sat down next to Oliver looking at each other and we smiled .
we were talking , laughing and eating when someone made us jump by knocking on the front door " Jesus who the fuck is that right now " my uncle said " I'm coming " karina ran and opened it " hey honey what do you want " karina asked while me and Oliver were focusing on karina "lili  sweetie it's Carl ! He wants to talk to you " she shouted
Me and Oliver made eye contact
" go , talk to him " he whispered
" okay I'm going " I whispered back
I stood up and went outside where Carl was waiting for me " hey " I closed the door behind me
" hey can we talk " he scratched the back of his neck  awkwardly " yeah " I said simply " look,lili  I'm so fucking sorry about earlier " he apologized "why the fuck you said you're going to hang out with Dominique while we were together " I snapped " you started this shit Carl " I continued raising my voice " calm down " he told me " calm down? You're so fucking funny sometimes " I laughed sarcastically
"lili  I'm fucked up please forgive me just this time I promise " he begged  " just don't talk about Dominique when you're with me okay ? " I sat down and pulled out a cigarette lighting it up and putting it between my lips
he sat down next to me " I'm sorry I don't deserve you you're a good girl and kind and beautiful but me opposite " he put his head in his hands " hey who said that I'm a good girl and kind ? " I asked him letting a small laugh out " you're not ? " he asked smirking " absolutely not " I chuckled and put my head on Carl's shoulder "but you turned me to a softie girl " i smiled " am I ? " he asked smiling " yeah " I giggled

um I don't know what to say...

beautiful inside || carl Gallagher Where stories live. Discover now