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well this was a normal day like every other days,
it was evening I was sitting on the couch watching TV and I was waiting for my parents to come back home because I was starving and they told me that they will get me food ,
I was about to fall asleep and unknown number called me and I accepted the call someone said "you're ms.Blake ? "yes" I said confused
he said "I'm sorry but your parents got a car accident "
I hang up the call I was shocked and of course I was crying too , I stood up and decided to go to the hospital
I was walking and crying my hair was messed up , everyone were staring at me "do I look like a crazy girl who lost her way to home ?
" I thought to myself
I didn't even knew if my parents were dead or not'
I went to the hospital and there was one of my dad's friends his name was (jack)
he was a doctor, and he knew my dad very well
so I asked him about my parents and he said they are here "
I asked if they were okay
he didn't answer ,instead he hugged me
that moment I realized that something bad happened to my parents ,
I couldn't walk ,
I just sat on the chair and Jack shouted my name  shaking me
I looked at him in the face he was in front of me
" they are dead aren't they ?" I asked nervously
I saw his eyes getting wet " lili I'm so sorry but your parents didn't make it "he told me
I was just staring at him and shocked
imagine losing both of your parents in one fucking day
I never cried after that day
I can't stand funerals

* 6 month later *

yeah that's me lili  fuckin' Blake
the girl with no parents
I live in the north side of Chicago ... alone
I'm 14 years old 15 in 5 months , with no parents and I don't have any siblings , I have a best friend his name is Lucas Miller he's 15 and a half I love him he's like a big brother for me I can tell him whatever I want and I trust him with my life his parents kicked him out for being friends with me ( yes they are assholes)
they don't like me and I don't know why

actually I know I just got out of juvie
I was just trying to get money with drugs they caught me anyways but the time was 6 months

he texted me everything and I felt bad for him
"Lucas you can live with me if you want " I told him " yeah why not you're the reason why I'm homeless anyway " he said I giggled at his comment

1 hour later
someone knocked on the door and I opened it
what I saw Lucas and his suitcases " wow I didn't know you have so many clothes " I said smiling " why " he asked confusingly " well because you wear the same t-shirt for a week asshole " I responded
we both laughed and I let him enter the house  i took him to his new room

My house is not that big but it's still big for one person "

I helped him unpacking his stuffs
and we went to the kitchen and cooked
we ate our food and he washed the dishes
I was watching tv in the living room
and Lucas came "I'm bored can we just go to joe's party "he suggested "who's joe" I said
"One of my friends " he said
I nodded "okay" I said
I ran to my room to get ready
I decided to wear a black skinny jeans and a Black hoodie
and I little bit makeup
i don't really like makeup
I went to the living room and Lucas was ready "I became a tree here" he said "sorry About that " I chuckled "let's go " he said

1 hour later

We were at the party i lost Lucas so I was alone
I started my business and sold some drugs I got some money but unfortunately Lucas saw

"I told him I will never do that shit again
But I did..."

we were walking home and it was awkward silent I broke it
"I'm sorry about earlier " I said
"I don't care whatever " he said
I stopped walking and I grabbed his arm to stop him
" what are you doing " he said
" I said Im sorry " I said
"and I said I don't care " he said kinda raised his voice
I started walking again

I just opened the door with my keys and I went upstairs
Lucas felt bad for what he said because
basically he was the only one who care about me
he came to my room and knocked on the door "come in " I said
he sat down on my bed " I'm sorry lili I just - I was just angry when I saw you selling drugs " He said "and I'm sorry for not telling you the truth " I Hugged him
we fell asleep on my bed

I woke up and saw lucas talking with someone on the phone and he hang up
"who was that ?"I asked
"your uncle "
" he's coming " he told me
my uncle hell yeah his name is (Ben) he's my father's brother I like him he's cool
but we don't talk that much
his wife's name is (karina) she's so sweet I like her she used to be my moms best friend
and (Oliver) he's my cousin
before they move to  the south side of Chicago we were best friends
he's 16 years old
we talk but not that much
So my Uncle said that he's coming...

First things to do

- butterfly

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