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I woke up around 9am " shit " I said under my breath , school starts at 8am and I'm late I stood up quickly and entered the bathroom I washed my face as quick as I can and changed my clothes wearing a pair of jeans and a black crop top ,my necklace and my 3 favorite rings that I wear everyday then I did a little makeup and fixed my hair finally picked up my book bag and started to walk downstairs
" good morningg wait why are you up ? " karina asked " good morning um for school?" I answered her " oh honey it's Saturday today " she said putting a smile on her face " what? wait oh Jesus I thought it was Friday " I scratched the back of my neck " no it's not sweetie and um Carl came here around 8am and he told me to tell you that he needs to talk to you when you wake up " she told me " oh okay I'll call him now " I said heading upstairs
I pulled out my phone in my pocket opening it and dialed Carl immediately
Queen 🤴
" hello"

" hey you awake ?"

" yes karina told me you came here "

" yeah you were sleeping "

" you wanted to talk "

" yes I'll be there in 5 mins "

" okay bye "

" bye "

(End of the call )

After 5 minutes someone knocked on the door and I opened it because I knew it was carl
" hi " i smiled " hey " he smiled softly
" we can go upstairs if you want " I told him
" yeah that will be great " he said
" oh hey sweetie " karina asked Carl " hi " he simply said
We walked upstairs and Carl went into my room , I checked on Oliver he was still sleeping I closed the door behind me And entered my room where Carl was " guess what " I said emotionless " what " he simply said " I woke up and I got dressed as quickly as I could for school because my dumb ass thought it was Friday " i said letting a small laugh out " what a fuck girl I think dom punched you so badly " he laughed my smile faded when he mentioned Dominique's name
" no " I simply said not letting him talk
" okay you wanted to talk " I said not looking at him and changing the subject " yeah actually me and her are a thing " he said smirking " she got jealous so soon " i told him " soo ? you wanna be with me more ? " he smirked " no that's not what I mean " I said
" then what do you mean? " he said raising his eyebrows " I mean , she changed really fast it was 24 hours damn , in One day Carl " i told him " so what , that's not important for me , she's with me now and she told me that she loves me last night " he said with a big smile on his face " okay Carl , I'm happy for you and Our mission succeeded " i said smiling nervously
" yeah so you're not my fake girlfriend anymore " he smiled " okay now we are done " I chuckled " and lili  guess what " he told me curiously " what Carl " i raised one of my eyebrows " you can't believe how good kisser she is " he giggled " no , no Carl stop talking about that ew , disgusting " I told him after he said how they made out last night
After that , the kiss didn't mean anything for him he didn't even wanted to talk about that so I was ignoring my feelings to not ruin our friendship,  it actually worked I moved on .
We talked about ourselves , school, stuff
he told me something that I didn't know about before , the thing was a story about their house and how they almost lost it , Carl is an asshole player but when it's about any member of his family and things that he like or love trust me he will fuck you up
blah blah blah
we decided to go downstairs and I was hungry so I can eat something
we went into the kitchen where karina was cleaning and Oliver was there to he was awake , he was sitting on one of the chairs doing his homework and studying on his laptop because he skipped school 2 times in this week " need help " I put my hand on his shoulder " no thanks Lili  " he turned around to look at me " okay " i smiled carl and I sat down in front of Oliver " you feeling better man " Carl asked 
" yeah I'm good how about you " Oliver answered " I'm good thanks " he told him
" I'm going to get some snacks what do you want Carl " I asked him " nah I'm good " he said
Me , Carl and Oliver decided to go for a walk around the neighborhood we saw Kev and v yelling , you can hear them so well ,
they were busy with their twins , I knew them I even babysit Gemma and Amy sometimes when they are have a lot of work but they didn't have work today so they can take care of the twins " hey , I can help you guys " I shouted
they looked at us through the window " no honey we don't have work today " kev yelled so that I can hear him " okayyy bye " I shouted
" have funn " v yelled

We were walking and someone called Oliver I didn't know who it was but It must've been so important because he left us when he ended the call , it was just me and Carl walking
we past Jacob's house and someone shouted my name I turned around so that I can see who it was ... it was Jacob " hey how are you " I smiled " I'm good h-" he saw Carl with me " hey man what was your name again ?" Carl asked emotionless " um Jacob, Jacob Williams " he was confused why ? Well because I didn't tell him that Carl was my best friend and not my fucking boyfriend " hey can I talk to for a sec " he grabbed my arm " no man she can't but you can tell her here " Carl raised his voice " I'm not asking you I'm asking lili  " he told Carl " can you guys stop ? , Carl it's fine I'll be right back " i walked away with Jacob " why are you with him ? " he asked " j its fine he's not my boyfriend or ex or whatever " I said not looking at him " what ? How ? " he whisper yelled " it was just a plan to make his girl jealous and stuff like that you know what Jacob I'll text you later okay I gotta go " I said looking at Carl who was staring at us " okay just be careful " he touched my shoulder "Lili  we gotta go " Carl shouted " see you later j " i smiled " see ya " he said walking away
After 5 minutes we were about to reach their house
" he's so annoying " he told me
" no he's not , wait why are you acting like this " i asked him " acting like what ?" he stopped walking
" acting li-" he interrupted me " acting like what lili  ?" he yelled at me " can you stop fucking yell at me ? " I raised my voice
he stared at me , I started to walk away but he stopped me by grabbing my upper arm " what now ? you walk away like that ?" he stared at my eyes deeply, " you know what I'm going to hang out with Do-" i interrupted him , I knew what exactly he was about to say fucking Dominique " then walk the fuck away " I raised my voice
he stared at me for 2 minutes and realized what he started but it was late " fine " he said under his breath and then he started to walk away I didn't stop him because he started the whole thing . Fuck

um.. anyways

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