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before my uncle get here
Lucas told me something
*tell him everything * he said  with a serious face I was wondering why he said that
while I was thinking about that
after 10 minutes  
someone knocked on the door and Lucas opened it
it was my uncle I haven't seen him for ages
I hugged him so tight
"Hey I missed you " my uncle said
"I missed you too " I said
he said hi to Lucas and Hugged him too
" I'm sorry Lili I should've called you but I was so busy " my uncle said
" that's okay  " I smiled
" I have a surprise for you " my uncle said
" what is this " I said
"You're coming with me to South side "my uncle said I couldn't talk " lili are you okay ?" Lucas said " yeah " I said
" we'll be back just one sec " I said to my uncle and grabbed Lucas's arm and pulled him into the kitchen " you knew about that right " I said
" yeah " Lucas said
"you know what that's umm good we are going to  the south side of Chicago " I said emotionless
Lucas didn't say anything
" let's go hurry up pack your things" I said
ran and shouted " we are packing our stuff "
running upstairs
" we ? " my uncle said
" I'll tell her " Lucas said
while I was packing my uncle was laying down on the couch sleeping
after 1 hour
(Noa's pov )
I have to go with him and I will see Oliver today that's crazy actually
while I was packing my stuff "hurry up kid " my uncle shouted " One sec " I said I just packed some stuff like some clothes and my jewelry's and perfumes
things that I need ,
I went outside the house closing the door and didn't see Lucas's suitcase "where's your stuff ?" I said " lili  I'm not coming with you " Lucas said " what are you talking about you're coming ..right?  " I said confusingly
" I'm sorry kid but we talked about this earlier" my uncle said "Now get in the car we are gonna be late " he continued
" no Lucas you have to come with me I can't go without you " I said
" I'm sorry lili I can't , you have to go with your uncle " Lucas said hugging me
"I'm gonna miss you so much " I said 
"Me too but I will call you everyday " Lucas said I said goodbye to Lucas I looked around the house for the last time and hugged Lucas

While we were driving to South side i was thinking about Lucas it was awkward silent and my uncle broke it " so you're my little daughter "my uncle smiled  " kinda weird but Yes  " I said and smiled I don't want to ruin it my uncle just trying to be nice " I have to tell you something " I said " go on tell me " he said
" I got out of juvie 2 weeks ago " I said
"I know " he said " what ? Lucas told you that?"i said confused
"No people told me " he said

*actually I was wondering who are those people?

"why you want me to come and live with you ?
I said
"for my brother David " he said
"What why ?" I said
"because he said that I have to protect you after he leave " he said
"What ? Why  he said that he leave ?" I said confused " why you ask so many questions?" He said because I wanna know what is going on " I said " what are you talking about " he said "Why he said that he leave ? " I said
my uncle didn't say anything
I stopped talking and slowly fell asleep

*1 hours later "
( because we stopped so much )

We arrived and I got out of the car so fast
"slow down " my uncle shouted
and Oliver heard him he ran and opened the door "Omg hi lili " Oliver said
"heyyy " I said with a big smile on my face
" oh my lord you're so tall " I continued
"I know " he smirked and hugged me tightly
" go inside  " Oliver continued I went inside the house and saw karina making dinner
she saw me and said "liliiiiii"
" omg hii " I said  hugging her
"I'm sorry honey I should've called you " karina said "It's okay never mind " I said
" go wash your hands and come eat dinner I know you're hungry " karina said "hell yeah I'm starving" I said
we ate dinner

~noa's pov~
I ran upstairs to my new room
to unpack my things
while I was unpacking I saw someone waving at me through the window I waved back and I could hear him telling me to come outside
I went downstairs and saw Oliver and Ben watching Tv and karina was cleaning the kitchen so I went outside
it was dark

"hi you're our new neighbor " he said "yeah that's my uncles house " I said "Philip Gallagher but you can call me lip " he said
"Lili Blake and nice to meet you " i said
"nice to meet you too" lip said "so how old are you ?" he asked " 14 and a half i think " i answered " you're the same age as my brother and sister " he said "wow " I giggled "sit" he said I sat down he pulls out a cigarette and lights it up " you're cool we can be good friends " he said and offers me the cigarette and I accepted
" I think you're cool too " i said and smiled
we were talking about stuff and Oliver came out shouting my name "I'm here " I said
"Oh god what are you doing here " Oliver said and saw lip "Oh I guess you meet one of the Gallaghers " he said "yeah " I said smiling
"there's 5 more Gallaghers" lip said
"omg you guys live together? " I asked
"kinda yeah " he answered "you have to meet them " Oliver said and sat down next to me
We were talking about things

" guys it's 9 o'clock go inside " lip said
"it was nice to meet you Lili " he continued
I smiled and went outside the house

~time skip~

i was on FaceTime with Lucas  I said goodbye to Lucas and ended the call I decided to take a shower then went to bed and sleep because
I had a long day

I fell asleep comfortably

(: hope you have a good day 🤍

beautiful inside || carl Gallagher حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن