"You play?" she asked.

"Yeah and sing but not in front of people." I said shyly.

"Me too, no one actually knows about it, well now you know."

"Today's full of sharing secrets." I commented giggling causing her to turn towards me and smile.


"Can you play me something Laur?"

"Uhh I don't know Camz..." she said unsure.

"Please." I said as I got on my knees.

"Okay fine. Get up." She laughed. "What do you want me to play?"

"Anything you want."

She grabbed my guitar and then closed her eyes and thought for awhile. Then her hand start strumming the chords to the song. And she starts to sing.

"She would not show that she was afraid,
But being and feeling alone was too much to face,
Though everyone said that she was so strong,
What they didn't know is that she could barely carry on,
But she knew that she would be okay,
So she didn't let it get in her way,
Sometimes it all gets a little too much,
But you gotta realize that soon the fog will clear up,
And you don't have to be afraid, because we're all the same,
And we know that sometimes it all gets a little too much,
She would always tell herself she could do this
She would use no help it would be just fine
But when it got hard she would lose her focus
So take my hand and we'll be alright
And she knew that she would be okay,
So she didn't let it get in her way,
Sometimes it all gets a little too much,
But you gotta realize that soon the fog will clear up,
And you don't have to be afraid, because we're all the same,
And we know that sometimes it all gets a little too much, yeah."

My eyes were wide and my jaw was dropped. I didn't know her voice was so beautiful.

"Was it that bad?" She asked suddenly insecure.

I came back to self and answered "What? No! That was amazing, you are very talented. That song really relates to me."

"Yeah, that's why I chose it, but I want you to know that it's your time to grab my hand because you're not going to go through this alone. You have me now, you'll be okay Camz. I won't leave you, but you have to promise me to be open with me so I can help you."

"You also have me Laur. When anything is wrong and you need someone just come to me but I promise."

I took her hand and played with her fingers for awhile until I finally looked up to meet her eyes.

"It's like I've waited my entire life for someone to arrive and help me with myself. I'm glad I met you Lauren Jauregui."

"I'm glad I met you too Camila Cabello."

After her 'performance' we just laid on my bed and cuddled into one another. We talked and talked about hundreds of things, conversation with her could never die down unless something came up.

Hours later it was dinner time and since we were alone we just decided to order Chinese food since neither of us wanted to cook. We left my room and went downstairs, I told Lauren to sit in the living room while I got the plates and cups.

Door bells rings**

"I got it!" she yelled.

"Wait let me give you the money."

"No Camz I got it." she said opening the door.

"No you paid for the pizza yesterday. It's my turn."

"Nope I got i- can you give me the money? Today?!" Interrupted the delivery guy with a bad attitude.

Lauren just took the money from me and threw it at the guy then took our food and closed the door. I've noticed her hands were in a fist and her knuckles were white.

"Laur you okay?"

"No. I kinda have anger issues and the only way to release it is to hit something or cry it out."

"Hit the wall." I suggested because I couldn't bare the idea of seeing her cry.

She hit the wall with so much force that the sound echoes through the house. But to her it seemed to have no effect on her, like if she just had hit a big fluffy pillow and not a wooden wall.

She took deep breaths, "I think I'm okay now, sorry about that."

"No it's okay. It's just something else I'm learning about you."

"Yeah, but don't worry I'd never hit you." she said cupping my cheek with her hand and I automatically leaned into her touch.

"I know you wouldn't."

We ate with conversation here and there. Then It was time for her to go home but I begged her to stay. She texted her mom for permission and it was granted. We went back upstairs and I took a quick shower. I lent Lauren some clothes so she could shower, which were really girly.

I noticed that all she wore were dark clothes, never ones with bright colors. So when I saw her come out the bathroom I was shocked on how different she looked but in a good way.

"I feel weird." she said uneasily.

"Bright colors go with you!" I squealed.

She rolled her eyes "I'm sticking with dark clothes. Come on time to sleep."

I snuggled into her side, listening to her heart beat and her breathing. Soon her breaths became heavy and I knew she was asleep. I then also let sleep take over me, with my protector's arms around me.

She's the one for me

We Are A Secret (Camren) [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now