Chapter 45

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Doja's P.O.V.

Earlier this morning Dr. Bailey informed me that they will be waking Y/N up from her coma. Over the course of 4 days she hasn't had any complications and actually has been doing great.

She's slowly gaining color back along with gaining her warmth back. By warmth, I mean when I hold her hand it doesn't feel like an ice cube. I have also noticed that when we she hears my voice her heart rate picks up a bit. At first it scared me because I didn't want to kill her but when I asked multiple doctors they reassured me it's a type of reaction.

I smiled at learning she actually could hear me. It brought a sense of comfort and made me feel a little more at ease.

Anyways after Dr. Bailey notified me, I automatically texted Ariana. I expected a quick response but I wasn't met with one. I tried calling and everything but after awhile I kind of gave up. I guess she's sleeping since I mean we haven't really had a good days worth but now that I'm hearing the news of my girl waking up today I push my tiredness aside.

"Okay so now that she is in a general room and not at the ICU, you and Ariana can both be in here." Dr. Bailey instructs as we are in the waiting room, "I do want to warn you though after her one hour of recovery time she can't speak."

"Wha-Why?" I ask with worried eyes darting all around her face.

"It's okay, the reason is because with her having the breathing tube it causes soreness to the throat. Just think of it as the most severe case of strep." I nod along and pull out my phone opening the notes app, "I know she'll probably try to force out a sound or whatever but you have to remind her to rest, because it could further damage her voice permanently."

I type everything she says as I don't want to miss anything, "Okay so well what is she allowed to drink?"

"Right now water, try to avoid carbonated drinks due to the risk of causing her pain. The only other thing is her bandages." I look away from my phone and give her my undivided attention, "They will start to itch so please if you see her start to get uneasy press the nurses button."

"Okay," I mumble typing that into my notes also, "Anhthing else?"

She looks around and walks closer to me leaning in so no one else can hear what she's about to say, "Don't bring up the past and I'm not just talking about the event. I'm also talking about whatever love triangle yall got going on."

I shake my head leaning back looking at her confused, "Oh don't play dumb, I can practically feel the tension." She huffs slowly backing away, "Dont mention anything for the next couple days alright?"

"I-okay." I mumble thinking to myself if we were really that noticeable.

"See ya Grey." Bailey chuckles leaving me even more confused. It's like she has her own inside joke that no one else knows about.

Eventually I shrug it off and true once more to get in contact with Ariana.

Ariana's P.O.V.

I sink all the way up to just below my nose underwater while the steaming hot water engulfs me. For the past twenty minutes I've been hearing my phone going off repeatedly but I chose to ignore it. I know I should answer it but before I left the hospital the doctors reassured me Y/N is in great shape and I shouldn't worry.

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