Chapter 3

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Ariana's P.O.V.

I wake up with a painful head ache groaning as I cover my head with my pillow.

"Party too hard?" I hear a voice say.

I removed my pillow looking at the doorway at  Y/N, "Haha funny."

She throws me a small smile before walking to the edge of the bed, "Here these might help."

I take the water and medicine from her hands popping the pills in my mouth downing the water, "Thanks."

"No problem, um by the way it's too late to ask now but where's Courtney." Y/N asks rubbing her hands together.

"She went home with some guy she's fine she'll find her way back." I laugh laying back down in the bed.

"You almost did last night."

"Yeah I know..." I mumble throwing my arm over my eyes.

I hear Y/N pace around for a second before speaking up again, "So you remember last night?"

"Only the part where you dragged me out the booth anddd me eventually passing out in the car." I lie knowing good and damn well Y/N and I almost kissed but I didn't want to bring it up because I knew it would agitate her, so I play dumb.

"So nothing else?" Y/N presses one last time and I shrug answering with a simple no.

"Good now sleep that head ache off I'll be downstairs." Y/N instructs and as much as I don't want to listen to her I close my eyes, burying myself under my comforter and allow sleep to take over me once again.

*Few hours later*

I wake up once more but this time it's dusky outside and I realized I've slept the whole day away. I jump out of bed and sprint to the bathroom brushing my teeth and putting my hair up in a messy bun.

After throwing on a sweatshirt along with shorts I go downstairs.

I look around the living room seeing Y/N is no where in here so I go around every room downstairs not find the girl.

I slowly start to panic steadily searching any and everywhere.

The front door opens along with hearing
Y/N's voice and I start to calm down. I look over seeing her carrying two suitcases while her phone is propped between her shoulder and left ear.

"Yes sir, okay......I'll let you know." With that she hangs up the phone and looks at me.

"What's all this?" I asks pointing between her and the suitcases.

Y/N runs the back of her neck nervously shrugging, "Well...Ricky got served with the papers."

"Wait I thought it was supposed to be a couple of days not a couple of fucking hours!" I scream with worry laced in my voice.

"Calm down okay? Look my boss along with your team thought it would be best for me to stay here for the next couple of days so you aren't alone." Y/N says quickly trying to calm me down.

I'm blind sided by the news that she will be staying with me buttttttt I can't help but get a little bit excited. "Sooo like a sleep over?"

"A what?"

I gasp in disbelief that this girl doesn't know what a sleep over is, "You know like where friends spend the night with one another, do each other makeup, hair-"

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