Chapter 14

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Your P.O.V.

As we drive to my house where Scooter is waiting for us I look over at Ariana seeing she is spaced out while looking out the window. Since our week from relaxing paradise is up she's changed back to how she was before we left.

I reach over putting my hand on her shoulder, "You okay?"

She nods, "Yes just wished we could've stayed longer."

I smile back at the pst few days and the events that occurred and smile. It was nice for it to be just us and no other interruptions and the only time we used our phones were for pictures.

"I know me too but we knew that wasn't possible."

"Still a good back up plan." She jokes lightly sitting up straighter as I pull into my driveway.

I get out and help her out as she leads the way to inside my house and I follow closely behind her.

As she's about to open the door I stop her for and turn her around to face me, "Remember...I won't let him be rude, just relax baby."

Ariana smiles with a slight nod before opening my front door and we are instantly met with Scooter.

"So how was the vacation?" He asks coming up and awkwardly hugging Ariana.

"It was great and we had so much fun. Ooh! We even swam with-"

As Ariana tries to explain he rudely interrupts, "That's fantastic but I have great news!"

I look of hurt flashes across her face but she give up moving to my couch giving him her full attention as he continues to explain, "I have you collating with a rapper! Both of you start tomorrow meeting at the studio at ten in the morning."

"Who is he?" Ariana asks curiously.

"Big Sean!"

Ariana jumps to her feet with a smile, "Are you kidding me!"

I stand in my place watching them hug and continue to talk about this dude. So after a couple of minutes I go to the kitchen and fix Ariana and I a water.

I put it on the living room table and take a seat on the couch.

"How did you get this?" My girlfriend asks sitting beside me sipping her drink.

"I pulled a few strings and he reacted the same as you just did. I have a great feeling about this one!" Scooter smiles cutting his eyes at me before looking at his phone as it buzzes repeatedly.

"How great is this babe?"

I throw her a small smile, "I'm happy for you."

She kisses my cheek walking over to scooter as he shows her texts or whatever the fuck was going on.

As I'm completely ignored I get up and head to my bathroom so I can shower since I feel gross from the plane ride. I lock the door and strip my clothes off and turn the water on.

As it heats up I search this so called rapper up and all I see are headlines about his playboy style. I keep reading as curiousity gets the best of me and I wish I didn't because seeds of doubt get planted into my brain.

I read how he's a player and jumps from girl to girl without hesitation. I read more articles for a minute or so before locking my phone and getting under the steaming water.

I wash my hair and body quickly before I sit in the corner of the shower leaning back on the cold tile.

I'm not going to lie but I am dreading for this up and coming schedule. I know how studio sessions gets and how exhausted Ariana will be. Let alone spending time with this dude...something I'm not ready for but I have to set all of that aside and trust her no matter what because at the end of the day this is her job and things like this will come up.

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