Chapter 52 Into the Unknown

Start from the beginning

Zora: But... I don't remember what games this is. Did I fell asleep while I was full-diving? In any case, I'd find out by logging out.

He waved his right hand. A few seconds passed, and no window appeared. He tried with the left hand instead. No results. With the ceaseless rustling of leaves and chirping of birds in his ears, he did my best to dispel the growing prickle rising up his midsection.

Zora(mind): This was a virtual world. It had to be.

But it certainly wasn't familiar Alfheim. In fact, it couldn't be any of the AmuSphere's VR worlds fashioned from the Seed engine.

Zora: What the hell? My scar in my eye, it's there. I didn't know of any VR games that re-created the body to such a degree of detail. Command: Log out.

He ordered without much hope. There was no response. Sitting cross-legged, he examined my hands once again. There were fine swirls on his fingertips. Wrinkles on the skin of his joints. Fine body hair. Little droplets of cold sweat seeping forth.

Zora(mind): Way to realistic to be a 3D object. So this ain't a game. Am I dreaming? Wait... That's it. What in the world? I have to be crazy not to have thought of that until just now. This is the Underworld. I'm hooked up to the STL. But that can't be right. If I'm diving at the STL, my memories of the real world and my real world persona should be block. But I can still remember hanging out with Kazuto and the rest.

Zora: Kikouka! Higa! Anyone! Abort the dive! I think something is wrong in here!

He called out the them, but no one answers. He look down with a sigh. He decided it would be best to just walked around and see what he could find. He saw a river and he decided to take some dip in it. He look at the clear water like a molten crystal.

Zora(mind): This is too real to be a VR.

Suddenly, Zora heard the sound of clinging metal. It was the sound of something large and tough being struck by something even harder. Not just once. It was happening at a steady pace of about once every four seconds. It couldn't be an animal or a natural occurrence. It was a virtual certainty that a human was producing this noise. He'd imagined someone chopping down a tree, perhaps. Briefly, he wondered if it would be dangerous to approach them, but his best option was clearly to make contact and gain information.

He turned around and headed back upstream in the direction of the sound. Suddenly, he experienced a brief, strange vision. A glittering river on the right. A deep forest on the left. Straight ahead, a green path advancing with no end in sight.

Three children walked down it abreast. A boy with black hair, another boy with flaxen blond hair, and between them, a girl wearing a straw hat with flowing golden locks. They threw off dazzling light from the setting summer sun.

 They threw off dazzling light from the setting summer sun

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Zora(mind): Is this...a memory? I don't know why, but it felt so nostalgic. And frustrating.

Long-distant days that would never return. Days he'd believed would continue forever, that he swore to protect and cherish, but that vanished as easily as ice left in the open sun... Those nostalgic, heady days. By the time he blinked again, the vision was gone, evaporating as quickly as it had come.

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