Chapter 15

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King wants to meet up so I might just head out of the house", you tell Iwaizumi. "That's fine, I have a gym appointment anyways". He walks over to his wallet and gives you his bank card. "Buy whatever you want with it. I'll text you the pin later, you don't need to pay me back". You look at him like he is crazy. "You really trust me? After all that I spent at Mcdonalds?" He laughs and walks out the room. "Don't make me regret it".

You get a message from Hina shortly after and you click into the message.

Heyyyy! I have some big things to tell you today, I'll meet you at work okay ;)) (12:03PM)

You smile as you text back.

I'm working at 4 so I'll see you around then lol (12:03)

"Hajime!", you call out but you get no answer. You head down stairs to look for him but still couldn't see him. "Iwa?", you call again and you could faintly hear him from the other side of the house. "I'm over here!", he yells back. You haven't been to that part of the house yet so you were a little confused on how to get there. "You're where?", you yell back and he guides you. "Go to the Kitchen, into the utility room and follow the brown door and head down the corridor".

You follow his instructions and make your journey. You never realised how big the house was till now, but for someone who lives alone, the house is massive. "Which room are you in?", you say loudly, hoping you would get a response. "The third one down". You open the door to see Iwaizumi in the shower and you immediately close it back. You hear his laughter from inside but he calls you back. "Y/n, come in". You open the door again trying not to let your eyes drop to his lower half.

"I just wanted to say that King is picking me soon and that I'm staying at home for tonight". "Do you have a headache from drinking though?", he asks and you hear the doorbell ring. "I always have some type of a migraine anyway so I'll get over it", you finally say before quickly leaving to answer the door. "Okay before we leave we need to stop at mine so I can get some shoes", you tell her and she points behind her. "I already have everything with me so don't worry about that, let's just get to the drive through already".

The two of you hop in the car and King reverses out. "Seatbelt?", she checks and you give her a thumbs up before she drives off. "So you said you had stuff to say, what's on your mind?", you ask and put on your shoes. She tells you about her and Atsumu's talk and how he literally left the place after not being able to talk to you. "That's why I was worried when I didn't see any of you, I thought you went off together but he probably couldn't find you and left", she laughs and you shake your head.

"No we talked"


"Yep, I don't remember most of it I think"

"You're useless"



"I will jump out this car right now"

"You can do that later, right now I wanna see them tapes"

"Don't make it sound weird please"

"My bad", King says while making a u turn back to your house.

Driving off again, a little recklessly, you manage to reach your destination after 10 minutes. "Oikawa has left the house to meet people so it'll just be us", King fills you in. You both get out of the car and quickly unlock the door. "Okay, let's go to my room". King locks the door for you as you run up the stairs to get things ready for her.

She hurries up the stairs later and flops herself onto your bed. "So?", King says and you show her the clip of you two talking. "Excuse me?! What does that Wakatoshi guy think he's doing?", King shouts and you skip the video forward. "Don't know don't care, now watch". You play the video again and King stays silent. You let the video run for 20 minutes, which is when you woke up from fainting and disappeared off camera to Iwaizumi.

𝙏𝙊𝙐𝘾𝙃𝙀𝙎 𝘼𝙉𝘿 𝙏𝙀𝘼𝙎𝙀𝙎 (𝙄𝙒𝘼𝙄𝙕𝙐𝙈𝙄 𝙓 𝙍𝙀𝘼𝘿𝙀𝙍)Where stories live. Discover now