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As the car pulled up on the driveway, I could hear Buddy's barking from inside our house. The house looked normal, what it did before.

I had asked dad about the house and if it was still a mess from mum, but he said that everything was normal now. And it did.

Luke was sat next to me in the car, and stayed there, talking to me while I winced in pain over and over again. Sitting up hurt.

Noah and my dad were getting the wheelchair out of the back of the car. Micky was already taking my bags into the house. As soon as the door was opened, Buddy came running out. Luke reached over to the door and opened it. And Buddy jumped up my leg, I giggled lightly and stroked my hand over his hand.

"Hey Buds" I barely whisper, just happy to be home.

"Come on Buddy, let's get her inside" My dad warns Buddy off who backs off and sits patiently.

Noah and dad help me out of car and into the wheelchair. My legs felt so weak.

Once in, I get pushed into the house. The house had changed a lot. I noticed new windows, new photo frames on the walls, walls were had been painting. And everything was moved around.

"Dad, why does the house look different?" My curiosity gets the better of me.

"Because of your mother" He tells me. "And the fact I had to wheelchair proof the house. We don't know how long it's going to be"

"Oh" Is all I say, peering around the house again seeing the changes. 

"Hey Els" I hear my dad say, I twitch back to reality and see him crouching down in front of me. "I have a surprise for you." He smiles, I smile back. 

Stuck in a wheelchair, one of the boys take hold of the handles and we travel into the house, going past the stairs and towards my dad's office? 

Why are we going into dad's office? 

Once the door was opened, I realize that dad had swapped my bedroom upstairs and his office. It looked similar but a few things weren't in here, instead of my desk was a sofa. 

"We thought that you can sleep here until you feel comfortable to go upstairs, you need physical therapy before you can walk." My dad explains as the wheelchair I'm in, comes to a halt. I tear up immediately, closing my eyes softly, making my tears roll down my cheeks. "Hey" I hear him say, making me open my eyes to see him crouching down in front of me. "It's ok" He whispers. "Don't cry" He wipes the tears on my cheeks. 

"Can I lay down?" I ask, just above a whisper. 

"Of course" He gently says, moving my bedsheets back for me to get in. Luke, Micky and my dad help me into the bed, so that I'm laying against one pillow. The covers are gently over my body. Buddy had already jumped onto the bed, laying beside me. "Hey" I hear, I didn't even realize that my eyes were closed into my dad speaks. "You're safe, Ella" He whispers from were he was sat. 

"I know" I mumble. "It's just so painful" 

"I know baby, I know" He rubs my hair gently. "Go to sleep, love" 

"Can I?" I ask, feeling bad. 

"Of course you can, my love" He tells me, leaning down to kiss my forehead. 

"It hurts less when sleeping" I mumble out, closing my eyes. 

The last thing I hear: "Sweet dreams, my princess" 

'end of 46.' 

sorry this is so short and took ages! :( x

Posted: 19.8.22

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