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Did you finish your exam?

A sigh left Y/N's lips as she saw the notification on her cell phone and put it aside, refocusing on the table in front of her. Indeed, she had finished her exam, but she was still not allowed to leave the place; there were still ten minutes to go.

«I promise»

That moment continued in her memory as if it were a tattoo. His voice and touch were still present in her, indelible. A week had passed since that day Wooyoung had promised her that everything would be alright. However, the next day it was he himself who accompanied her to the airport. Somehow he managed to pass through security as if he were another passenger and was by her side until the last second he could. She could still feel the warmth of their lips meeting in that last kiss before she boarded the plane for New York.

Although, despite the distance, they had not stopped having contact even for a single day, their communication was limited to a chat and short calls before going to sleep. It was...very similar to a daily conversation with her best friend.

Deep inside she wondered if that was how everything would be from now on.

"Y/N, did you finish?"

A whisper snapped her out of her thoughts and caused her to turn her gaze to her side, meeting the eyes of Tyler, the only boy she had spoken to since she got to college. Both had been transferred a couple of weeks ago, so it was not difficult for them to find things in common.

Slowly waking up, the girl nodded and smiled slightly when the boy nodded to her to leave the place. She tidied her things up as quietly as possible, then followed Tyler to the door.

"How are you doing with all this?" the boy asked as they walked across campus. "Do you feel more... at home?" He doubted. "I mean- ahm... I still have trouble feeling like I belong here, you know?" He shrugged. "With my family far away, my friends in another city, and my girlfriend with no free time..." He sighed. "It's still complex."

Y/N was silent for a few seconds, and then she nodded, perfectly understanding his feeling. However, at least she was lucky enough to have stable communication with her best friend and... Jung.

"Yes, it's hard." She agreed. "I guess time is all it takes."

Tyler agreed with the girl and put his hands in his pockets, then sighed.

"Well... it's time for lunch, are you coming?"

Y/N turned to him, making eye contact with his blue eyes, and gently shook her head, half smile present. The truth was, ever since she had arrived on campus, she used to be on her own during breaks. She had a lot on her mind and there was still a part of her that didn't accept the way it had all happened; it was as if the reality she lived in a week ago had vanished in the blink of an eye, and yet nothing had moved away from her. Something so confusing.

The boy quickly accepted her decision and soon said goodbye, then took a completely opposite path in the direction of the cafeteria.

Once she was alone, the girl walked to one of the large trees that were in front of the establishment. The sun shone like never before that day and, although the fresh air was what helped her the most to calm her thoughts, the only thing she wanted was peace and shade to rest.

Feeling her spirits lower than usual, she took a seat on the grass and rested her back on the log behind her. Then she took a deep breath and took out her cell phone to reply to the pending message.

"Yeah, I just got out.
How is everything there?"

And then, as soon as I locked the device's screen, it lit up again.

All good, the sun is a bit strong.

Y/N kept her eyes on the message until it disappeared.

Are you okay?

Then, she decided to put his cell phone aside, on the floor, and sighed. Was that how the distance was compensated? With quick replies?

Maybe it was the answer, but she wasn't sure she could fully absorb it yet. She felt sad. It was as if she had had it all in one moment and, from one second to the next, it was all gone for "a better chance."

The girl bent her legs and rested her forearms on her knees, bringing their hands together and lacing her fingers together. It was then that her pupils landed on that significant metal ring that surrounded her finger. A wistful smile appeared on her face.

"I'm glad you didn't stop using it."

Y/N froze. The shadow that covered her had intensified and now legs were in front of her. But that voice was impossible to forget.

She quickly lifted her chin and her eyes widened. It couldn't be true.


One of the boy's corners lifted slightly in a half smile, and his head tilted to one side. Immediately Y/N got up, facing him in a better way. After a few seconds, enough to confirm that she wasn't hallucinating, she pushed herself forward and wrapped her arms around his body, hugging him with all her strength.


"I told Chase to relocate me if he wanted me to work for him. It took a couple of days longer than I expected..." he murmured, placing his hand on her hair and stroking it slowly. Then, he leaned in a little and went to the girl's ear, adding in a whisper, "But I can't let you go twice, love."

Y/N listened to Wooyoung's words in silence, clasping his body in her arms as if her life depended on it. It wasn't until that moment that she realized how much she had missed him. Her eyes were again covered by a thin curtain of tears, very different from the previous ones.

"Y/N..." The boy gently separated from her and made sure her eyes were on him; he wanted her full attention. "Would you like to live with me again?"

The girl felt her heart beat again with the intensity that she had lost since she set foot in the city and she couldn't help but smile widely.

"Do you have another contract you want me to sign?" She asked, raising an eyebrow, ignoring the tears that covered her sight.

Wooyoung gave a small laugh and wrapped an arm around her waist, taking her free hand in his own and lacing their fingers together. Then, he brought their hands up and held the rings in front of her eyes.

"I think this is enough."

Then, Y/N could not contain herself and hugged Wooyoung's neck, drawing him towards her and joining their lips in a much desired kiss.

A kiss that said more than any words could ever express.

The Drug of a Sinner // Jung WooyoungWhere stories live. Discover now