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It was nine in the morning and Y/N was calmly preparing breakfast for two in her small kitchen, ready for college. Samuel was taking a shower, and if she did not prepare something for them both to eat before they left, they would probably be late; food was one of Sam's top priorities.

In silence, she watched the eggs cook in the pan in front of her, while her mind wandered to different sectors. One of them was immersed in what happened the night before, when her friend finally deduced that something was going on between her and Wooyoung. For some reason —which she greatly appreciated— Sam was not a guy who let his curiosity get the best of him, so he did not ask any questions about the situation at all.

Y/N smiled unconsciously and put out the fire. She then decided to start setting the things on the table. If she was not wrong, it would not take long for Samuel to be ready and return to her; possibly hungrier than ever. She certainly knew his appetite in the mornings.

When everything was ready and arranged on the table, she took a few steps back and contemplated her creation for a few seconds, however, the moment was interrupted by the sound of her cell phone.

Slowly, she walked over to the kitchen counter where she had left it while she got everything ready, and checked her notifications. An unconscious smile instantly appeared on her face. It was a message.

Good morning

Y/N bit her tongue while still smiling and unlocked her phone, remaining a few seconds observing that greeting.

"Smiling so early?" Sam came out of the bathroom and looked at his friend giggling. "Are you feeling alright, Hwangie?"

"Hwangie?" The girl narrowed her eyes in confusion and then let out a laugh, glancing at Samuel and rolling her eyes. "I don't know what you're talking about, Sam."

Quickly, Y/N typed Good morning, Jung into her cell phone and sent it, putting the device away after it and focusing on the boy in front of her.


Sam just gave her a quick look, some disbelief on his face, and then giggled, sitting down at the table without saying a word. The girl smiled at the boy's simple way of being and sat down next to him. It did not even take a minute for them to start eating and talking, reminiscing about iconic moments from the night before and laughing about them.

"Did you see J.C's message?" the boy asked suddenly.

"He said he should take JuJu to the vet, right?" Sam nodded slowly and Y/N pouted, remembering the cuddly expressions of the puppy her friend had adopted a few weeks earlier. "I hope everything is okay."

"J said it was just a checkup," Samuel tried to comfort his friend. "You know, to check how her body has been reacting to deworming and vaccinations." His words made the pout on Y/N's face disappear, so he smiled and felt that it was a good time to go to the starting point. "Chris texted me to tell us to meet in the cafeteria at first break to finish setting up Operation J.C."

Y/N giggled at the way her friend had called the birthday party they were throwing, and nodded.

"Copied," she smiled.

So, once they finished eating breakfast, they cleared the table and quickly prepared to leave, immediately heading towards campus.

When they arrived, each one went quickly to their respective class, since both had taken more time than estimated on their way and almost arrived late. That was how time passed and, after an hour and a half, the first recess arrived. Y/N checked her cell phone as a precaution and, noticing that there was no news about J.C, she moved towards the cafeteria.

"Y/N!" A calm voice addressed her as her arm was hugged.

"Hey Chris." The girl smiled when she saw her friend. "Has JC said something?"

Christina shook her head and Y/N nodded, starting to walk towards the cafeteria together. It did not take long for the girl to start asking random questions like she always used to do while Y/N, next to her, could only nod and accompany her occurrences as they walked. However, her eyes averted as soon as she saw Jung Wooyoung in the hallway, walking in the opposite direction from her.

The boy imitated her action and their pupils connected, causing a smile to appear on each one's face with a certain complicity; something that only they understood. It was just a few seconds, neither stopped their step or intervened in the other's, but it was enough to bring back memories to both of them. Then, each went their own way and disappeared from their visual ranges.

The girls arrived at the cafeteria in a matter of minutes, finding Samuel already sitting at one of the tables, waving at them. Wasting no time, they went to where they usually met and sat down.

So, the talk began. They talked for long minutes, working out the last details of the plan. Y/N saw again the way her friends looked at each other when they spoke and complemented their sentences; once again, she thought that they should be together, but she did not say anything about it.

After the break, each went back to their respective classes and spent the rest of the day like that. J.C arrived on campus after a couple of hours, so their meetings to plan his birthday party ceased, but they remained united.

When the day was over, the four of them said goodbye as usual at the entrance, and parted ways. Y/N took a deep breath, accommodating the bag on her shoulder and heading towards the house where she lived with Wooyoung.

For some reason, the look they had shared in the hallway had not left her head all day, even though she had not seen him again. At times she looked at her hand, finding there the ring that the boy had given her and smiling at the image. Without being able to explain it, a part of her was excited to be back.

As soon as she was in front of the apartment, she witnessed the big door and bit her lip. So, she went to one of the decorations in the front garden and took the spare key that Wooyoung had indicated. Without hesitation, she opened the door and entered. With a steady and sure step, she walked through the place and went directly to the living room, seeing Jung Wooyoung sitting on the couch with his laptop in front of him.

Y/N leaned her body against the door frame, and tilted her head:

"Did you miss me?"

Hearing her voice, the boy raised his eyes from the screen and directed his pupils towards her. Their gazes connected and one corner of his mouth went up. Immediately, he set the computer aside and leaned forward.

"What are you doing there, love?" He asked with a relaxed expression. "Come here."

Then Y/N got closer, defiantly maintaining eye contact. Once she was in front of him, Wooyoung got up, standing just a few steps away from her and smiled.

"What question is that?" He murmured, wrapping his arm around her waist and moving closer to her body. "Don't doubt it."

Y/N could not hide her smile and bit her lip, nodding slightly and then tilting her head. Wooyoung's eyes went straight to her neck, pleased to see his mark still there. The girl felt her cheeks turning color at his action.

Then, Jung stood up again, meeting her gaze once more. The closeness of both complemented with strength the words that his eyes hid. Again that complicity was in their eyes. Only a few seconds later, the boy broke eye contact to stare at her lips.

Without thinking twice, he lowered his face a little and kissed Y/N. As soon as their lips made contact, the girl closed her eyes and reciprocated his action, kissing him back and following his rhythm. Wooyoung tilted his head slightly and held her body, pulling her closer to him. Then his lips moved a little more intensely, enjoying that touch he had been deprived of the day before.

After a few minutes, he pulled back a few inches. Y/N felt their agitated breaths mix together. She appreciated his features at close distance and smiled.

"What about you?" He then murmured, gently stroking her back, "Did you miss me?"

Y/N, unable to prevent her impulses from being faster than her thoughts, placed her hand on Wooyoung's neck and brought him closer, kissing his lips again in response.

The Drug of a Sinner // Jung WooyoungWhere stories live. Discover now