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Back in her room —her genuine room—, Y/N looked at her hand once more, appreciating the ring that now adorned one of her fingers, and smiled. It was the first time she had come back to her apartment to stay since she had accepted Wooyoung's proffer, and nothing had changed. She took a seat on her bed and looked around her. For some reason she kept feeling that pressure on her chest. Despite not having to quit her studies and return to her parents, she had lost her job, and that had not changed either.

Was it time to look for a job?
Of course she did not intend to leave the place where she was now, but the reason for it was not the facilities.

Then, just before she could fall into a dangerous analysis after her actions, she heard three knocks at the entrance, being saved from her mind by Sam.

A smile spread across Y/N's face as she opened the door and found the boy in front of her with a bag in hand. They both stared at each other for a few moments, until one of them decided to break the silence.

"I brought cookies." Samuel blurted out in greeting, causing the girl to giggle and step aside to let him enter. "I knew that was the password to enter," he murmured proudly.

Y/N rolled her eyes in amusement, and closed the door behind her, appreciating the boy.

"Welcome to your humble abode."

Sam looked at his friend and smiled, bowing as if this had been a royal welcome.

So, after the bizarre welcome —which lasted more than fifteen minutes between games and references that only they understood—, Samuel and Y/N walked to the living room, where the boy left his things and took a seat on the carpet.

And no, it was not that he went to sleep there, but it was something they used to do every time they got together.

Sam crossed his legs and leaned his bag on them to pull out three bags of cookies, while Y/N went to the kitchen for hot chocolate. If there was a reason why they were friends, it was because of the preference for sweets when it came to a meeting just for them.

When the girl came back, she sat in front of the boy and handed him his respective mug, receiving cookies as thanks.

"Are you nervous about the exchange?"

Sam looked at his best friend and shook his head as he finished chewing.

"No... it's not nerves," he said. "I think that after weeks of worrying about paperwork and documents, the only thing I am waiting for now is that the day will come."

"And it's getting closer," Y/N reminded him with a smile.

Then Sam's smile lessened a bit and he nodded. His eyes were fixed on the carpet and his lips remained sealed. It did not take the girl a single second to know what was happening.

"I'll kill you if you lose contact," she said with a smile as she pushed his shoulder. "Don't you even think that because you are in another country you can just stop talking to us."

Samuel looked up, his expression of renewed happiness, and appreciated his friend. Y/N smiled inwardly knowing that she had prevented the boy from starting to think too much about the future, and kept her defiant expression. However, as soon as Sam looked at her hands, his brow furrowed in disbelief.

"Did you... did you just push me with your foot?"

Y/N, who was holding a couple of cookies in her right hand and her cup of hot chocolate with the other, raised her eyebrows and froze for a few seconds.

"Can't you see I'm busy here?" She asked amused, picking her foot up and nudging the boy's shoulder again.

Then, feeling the pressure on his body again, Sam exaggerated the impact and fell on his back, laughing at the girl's spontaneity. Hearing the disastrous laugh of her friend, Y/N began to laugh in the same way, creating a sound chaos.

The Drug of a Sinner // Jung WooyoungWhere stories live. Discover now