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After what happened, Wooyoung and Y/N spent the rest of the afternoon talking. The topics of conversation were so casual and natural that it was no wonder they lost track of time. Indeed, by the time they noticed it, it was already night.

Quickly Wooyoung's injuries had gone into the background; he himself downplayed what had happened, and she just resigned herself to it. After all, he was smiling and acting like always; as long as that did not change, Y/N would have no reason to worry.

When it was 11:00 pm, the girl went to her room and changed her clothes for her pajamas; shorts and a baggy T-shirt were all she needed to sleep comfortably. However, she still had thousands of thoughts running through her mind, taking her sleep away, so she lay back on the covers and took up the book that she had started reading hours earlier.

But her intentions were interrupted within minutes for the same reason as the first time. Wooyoung. The boy had come into the room and had just leaned against the frame of her door, his arms crossed.

Y/N looked up and noticed that smile on his face as she analyzed him perfectly.

"... Jung?"

"I want you to sleep with me today."

The girl froze for a few seconds, definitely taken by surprise. Wooyoung's words, in addition to that smile framing his face, had just made a great adrenaline nervousness invade her body. However, there was nothing she could do about it.

And in part, that made it better.

Y/N bit her lip accepting the consequences and nodded, putting the book aside and getting out of bed. As soon as she did, Wooyoung's eyes traveled all over her body. Y/N couldn't help but smile when she noticed it; the boy had something that she really liked and a current ran through her body every time she felt his desire for her in any way.

She passed him and walked barefoot to the end of the corridor, entering his room. She immediately recognized the large bed in which she had already woken up once and climbed into it, sitting in the center.

She did not know exactly what Wooyoung's intentions had, but she believed she knew them perfectly.
And she did not dislike it at all.

When Wooyoung returned to the room, he stopped once more under the doorframe to appreciate her, now in his bed. The image in front of him made him bite his lip unconsciously, confirming her suspicions.

Wooyoung clicked his tongue and grabbed the end of his shirt, pulling it off and throwing it on the floor.

The girl raised an eyebrow, determined not to show inferiority or intimidation to his actions no matter how her anticipation grew more and more within her. Then, she placed her hands on the bed, leaning and reviewing the boy's naked torso with her gaze, fascinated just looking at him.

Wooyoung slowly approached her with a smile, and stopped on the edge of the bed. Their gazes connected and their thoughts were exposed; their eyes gave them away and confirmed the reciprocated desire that they hid behind their pupils.

Jung leaned down a little and held Y/N's chin gently, getting close enough for their lips to meet.

The girl corresponded the kiss instantly and closed her eyes, feeling how his lips kissed hers with a singular passion.

Wooyoung closed his eyes as well and began to lean more and more, until Y/N was lying on the bed and he was on top of hers. This time, her hands did not stay behind and surrounded his body until they were on his exposed back. She almost instantly felt Wooyoung's smile on her lips, who then rested one of his forearms on the side of her head.

The Drug of a Sinner // Jung WooyoungTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang