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It was Saturday afternoon, and Y/N was alone in the big house. Wooyoung had left the place early, giving her no clue as to his whereabouts; however, he should not be long in coming back.

The boy's words had hit Y/N slightly the night before. She did not know exactly what to say, other than smile to herself. Things with Wooyoung had been confusing years ago and they both felt that something was left unfinished. However, none had explicitly sought to bring memories back to the present.

The girl sighed, resigned to her thoughts, and left the bedroom towards the living room, ready to finish once and for all that book that seemed to be infinite.

And, indeed, it would continue like that. That was due to the fact that, as soon as she took a seat in the armchair, the doorbell rang. It seemed that, no matter what, whenever she started reading that book, something would interrupt her; it was almost a curse by now.

Y/N snorted, both amused and incredulous, and placed the book on the table in front of her. She then got up and walked to the entrance.

She had just turned the doorknob, when she noticed that she had no idea who she could find once it was opened. What was she supposed to say if there was someone from the university? Legitimately, no one could find out what was happening between Wooyoung and her. How could she hide the truth?

She would have to improvise.

However, it was not necessary.
Instead of finding a familiar, or at least known, face, Y/N found two men in front of her. They were dressed in black from head to toe and their pupils seemed to pierce her body mercilessly while bewilderment appeared on their faces. The girl clenched her jaw as she felt an ominous tingle run through her body and hesitated.

"Where is it?" One of them asked, with one of the deepest and harshest voices she had ever heard in her life.

Y/N hid a confused expression and blinked a couple of times, disoriented.


"Where is it?"

"Where is what...?" She stumbled, "what do you mean?"

Even though in other circumstances she could have connected the pieces and figured out what it was all about, Y/N was not able to do it at that moment. She was off guard and out of her comfort zone; the mere presence of the two men in the place made her feel tiny. One of them frowned and stared at the girl.

"Stop playing. We know it's here."

Her muscles tensed. She had no idea what they were talking about; much less where was whatever it was they were looking for. And their intimidating figures did not help her think better at all.

"I-I don't know what you're talking about-..."

"That imbecile!" the taller one interrupted, frowning in irritation. "He is mocking us again.

His partner bit his tongue for a few seconds and then smiled, fixing his eyes on Y/N. She had been warned enough and the girl kept insisting on covering for Wooyoung; it could be seen for miles how upset he was. Anger poured out of his pupils.

"Good." He murmured, turning to the taller one with a sinister smile. "Then we'll show him how to play."


Wooyoung parked the car outside his residence and sighed heavily. He had had to go for a special delivery for one of his clients after Taekhyun let him down and left all the work to him.

That had taken more time than he estimated, but he was finally back at his house, with a new shipment in the trunk of the car.

When he got out of the vehicle he calmly walked towards the entrance. If there was one thing he knew how to do perfectly, it was to act as if nothing out of the ordinary was happening in his life. However, as soon as he opened the door, he froze completely. The place was strangely messy; there were even a couple of pieces of glass on the floor due to the decorative figures that fell with the collapse of some furniture.

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