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Wooyoung took a deep breath and checked the time on his wrist watch. Although he was in no hurry, that mania had become a part of him every morning. With his serious face, he looked at the cup that had just been filled with coffee and picked it up carefully from the counter, going back to his room. It was Wednesday morning and the sun was just beginning to creep through the windows, giving the place a brighter look.

As soon as he passed through the door, he froze for a few seconds, appreciating the girl resting on his bed.

"Did something happen?" He asked once he reacted again, walking over to Y/N and sitting on the edge of the bed, next to her. The sleepy girl looked at him and smiled slightly, shaking her head. "And why are you awake?" He insisted, knowing full well that Y/N did not usually wake up before 10:00.

"Sam bombarded me with messages a few minutes ago," she murmured, taking her cell phone and showing him the stack of notifications from his friend. Although they were a large amount, Y/N had not even checked them, because she knew that when Sam needed —or something serious happened—, he preferred to call.

Wooyoung nodded slowly and looked at her eyes, which were looking at him intently. Then he handed her the cup and rested his palms on his knees. Y/N received the coffee with which she used to wake up in that room and looked at the boy attentively, analyzing then the slightly unbuttoned white shirt, and his dress pants.

"Aren't you going to attend classes?"

Jung's pupils connected with hers and he shook his head.

"I'll go talk to Chase."

Then, knowing at least that name, Y/N nodded slightly and took a sip of coffee.

"Don't you think if you're absent too much you'll start to attract attention?"

Wooyoung listened to her words and could not help but a half smile appeared on his face, amused.

"Are you worrying about me?"

Hearing him, Y/N pursed her lips and rolled her eyes.

"No, I just-"

"I've got it under control, don't worry." He said then, taking the cup from the girl's hands and placing it on the nightstand.

Then he leaned toward her and gently cupped her chin, reaching out and meeting her lips with his. As soon as they connected, they both closed their eyes and isolated themselves from everything that was not that contact. Wooyoung's lips had that mixture of need and care, which fascinated Y/N every time they kissed. It was a kind of indirect spell

"You'll see me back there soon," he murmured as he parted from her lips, looking into her eyes and smiling slightly. Then he stood up again and caressed her hair for a few seconds. "It's time," he said. "Call me if something happens."

After seeing Y/N nodding and making sure everything was secured in the house, he left the place.

Wooyoung got into his car and began driving to meet Chase in a leisurely way, his eyes fixed on the road and his face as serious as ever.

The day before, Chase's words had been haunting his mind over and over again; it was clear that he knew that he would accept his call to continue talking about it, after all, they both knew how to work with words and persuasion. Yet despite everything that had happened —and could happen— he just kept his mind blank and drove. Overthinking had never done him any good.

After an hour's drive, he parked outside a coffee shop in the upper suburbs of the city; undoubtedly a place where no one would recognize him. He got out of the vehicle and headed inside. It did not take him more than two minutes to find the boy sitting at one of the tables in front of a large window.

The Drug of a Sinner // Jung WooyoungWhere stories live. Discover now