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After exiting the fitting room, Y/N went to the cash register, where Wooyoung was waiting for her with a half smile on his face. It did not take her even two seconds to notice the bag he was holding in his hand. Unable to help herself, she kept her eyes on the boy's mysterious purchase as she approached, and then put the garments on the counter. Then, she stepped to the side so that he could pay.

When Wooyoung approached the cash register, Y/N appreciated the way the girl behind the counter ran her gaze all over his body, without even trying to hide the smile that exposed her instant desire.

Y/N shook her head and looked away from them; she was not interested in discovering how many fantasies that girl could imagine in record time. Indeed, she was not surprised that something like that happened, after all, Jung Wooyoung was an attractive boy and the simple presence of him was enough to provoke that in anyone. Sometimes he did not even need to try. However, despite the number of people who had fallen for his first impression, Y/N had never seen a smile from him in return.

Though what could she do about it anyway?
Even if some of the attitudes like that could bother her at some point, did she even have the right to complain or protest about it? After all, she had been the only one who had signed a contract.

Then, when things threatened to gradually get complicated in her mind, an arm went around her hip and pulled her closer.


By reflex, she looked up instantly and met  Wooyooung's pupils, attentive to her. Unable to help it, a smile appeared on her face and she nodded, following him out of the store to the car.

Once there, each one in their respective position, Y/N watched him out of the corner of her eye, trying to see if there was something different about him after that girl devoured him with her gaze without dissimulation. But before she could attempt to carry out the analysis on him, Wooyoung turned his gaze towards her and giggled as he discovered her eyes already on him.

"Is everything okay?" he asked, "Are you hungry?

"Yes yes. Everything is in order..." She immediately shook her head. "No, don't worry I'm fine."

However, as Wooyoung looked forward to getting going, Y/N's stomach growled in annoyance. Jung's eyes immediately returned to her, one brow raised. The girl connected their pupils and pursed her lips, then sighing.

"Okay." She frowned, feeling betrayed by her own body. "Maybe I am. But just maybe!"

"Then we're going to get some-"

"I don't want expensive food!" She intervened in his words quickly. "The clothes were enough, Jung."

Wooyoung fell silent seeing Y/N's determined eyes, and licked his lips. He knew that the simple purchase of clothes had been almost a miracle; accepting something else from him would be almost impossible.

"Then what are our options?"

The girl raised both eyebrows, demonstrating how unexpected that acceptance on his part had been. She then smiled and thought for a moment.

"Ice cream."

"Ice cream?"

"Yes, ice cream is cheap. Don't even think about taking us to a fancy ice cream parlor or something like that, Jung Wooyoung."

"Y/N, there is more food than-" Then he saw the girl's gaze, where a clear «did you ask me to criticize my answer later?» peeked into her pupils. "Ice cream will be."

The girl smiled again and nodded, settling in the seat as Wooyoung started the engine and began to move forward. To make sure that the boy did not take advantage of his wealthy day to take her to get ice cream at some extremely expensive place, Y/N was in charge of giving him directions all the time.

That was how they came to a large park where various stores were seen on its sides, including an ice cream shop. Wooyoung parked to the side of the place and they got out of the vehicle.

Wearing their best outfits, they entered the store and looked around. The boy immediately noticed how affordable the prices were and clicked his tongue. However, before he could say anything about it, his cell phone rang.

Attracted by the same stimulus, Y/N saw the way Wooyoung's expression became serious as he watched the screen. Then, he made a slight gesture for her to excuse him for a few minutes, and left the place answering the call.

The girl narrowed her eyes curiously and twisted her lips, soon guessing what it was about. Then she turned her gaze to the wall where the different flavors were located, and went to the cash register.

Although she did not have enough money to pay for her studies, she could finance a couple of ice creams.

The girl behind the counter greeted her with a smile and took her order, making the corresponding transaction and immediately going for a cup for the ice cream.

Then Y/N was left alone in front of the counter. It did not take many seconds before that sensation of being watched ran down her back.

Puzzled, she frowned slightly and turned slowly. It was at that moment that she noticed a boy sitting at one of the tables in the place, with his eyes fixed on her. When he realized that he had been discovered, the mint-haired boy smiled. Y/N could not help but smile back on instinct; it was almost impossible for her not to return those gestures.

However, seeing the misunderstanding it might provoke, she glanced back to the counter and drummed her fingers there, concentrating on nothing as she began to hum a song.

Wooyoung was still outside the place, hearing Seungyeol's incompetent voice over the line. The boy's mistake could cost both of them a significant amount of bills.

"I don't care, Kang." He interrupted with his firm, deep voice. "Do whatever you have to do, but fix it. Today."

And, without giving him another chance to apologize or propose solutions, he ended the call. He grunted to focus his annoyance away from him and shook his head. He did not like to seem like someone they should be afraid of. Not in public.

So, he put his phone away and went back into the ice cream shop.

The first thing he saw was Y/N with her back to him, appreciating how the girl in front of her began to accommodate in a cup the flavors that she was indicating.

But then, his gaze checked the place, colliding with an interesting presence that dared to contemplate Y/N from head to toe with a smile on his face. Wooyoung's brow furrowed noticeably for a few seconds, and then his expression relaxed.

With disinterest and calm, he walked up to her and wrapped his arms around her waist, hugging her and pressing his chest to her back. Y/N was slightly startled and, after verifying that it was him, she smiled and returned to see the girl who was attending her.

However, Wooyoung kept feeling that look on them. Annoyingly.

He perhaps had not understood the message.

It was then that he decided to bring his lips to the girl's body, placing them on her neck and kissing it with total freedom.


Then he bit it.
Not hard, not soft.

Just enough to leave a mark on there for a few minutes.

The Drug of a Sinner // Jung WooyoungKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat