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After spending much of the afternoon with Samuel, Y/N returned home, still with that strange feeling that the memory of her past with Wooyoung had left her. A tingle ran down her nape; she wondered what was going through his mind about her.

Perhaps they shared thoughts. Or maybe he had held back from thinking about it. Perhaps he did not know what to think.

Or maybe neither wanted to know.

A resigned sigh left her lips before she opened the front door, slowly entering the house. In silence, she walked the halls, searching for any trace of life just as she used to do every day.

That was how she found Wooyoung in the living room, with his glasses on, sitting in front of the coffee table. He had his elbows resting on the cover of it and his hands were intertwined with each other. His eyes immediately locked on hers, totally serious.

"...I arrived. " She murmured then, surprised by his disposition.

Wooyoung gave a small nod and motioned his head for her to take a seat in front of him.

Y/N frowned slightly, walking strangely towards the indicated place until taking a seat. That was when she noticed a couple of papers in front of her.

She swallowed heavily and bit her lip.

"What's this?" She asked, analyzing the pages.

"Your contract."

The sharp voice of the boy made her look up immediately to his pupils. Everything about Wooyoung made it more than clear that there was not a shred of humor in his words. It was not a joke.

"My contract?"

Y/N could not help but feel a strange sensation run through her body, as if she was about to lose something that she believed she would keep indefinitely.


Then, her gaze returned to the sheets in front of her, instinctively beginning to carefully analyze what was written. Her brow furrowed as she discovered that the first part was completely the same as she remembered.

"Now it declares our confidentiality," Wooyoung explained when she saw Y/N's pupils pass beyond the middle of the text. "And exclusivity."

The girl raised both eyebrows, somewhat incredulous as she reread the paragraph.

"So this means..."

"That you are mine."

Wooyoung's voice reached her ears and his words echoed loudly inside her head. Mine. If she signed that contract again, she would be officially accepting his authority over her. A smile spread across her face. Y/N raised an eyebrow and looked up from the paper in her hands, staring at his pupils.

"Is this because of Craig?"

Wooyoung did not miss the way the girl played on his jealousy, smiling slightly as she re-named the boy who had brought them to this.

"No, it's not about Craig," he snapped, challenging her with eye contact, "but everyone who thinks they can have you."

Wooyoung's eyes watched her attentively, as warm as they were sincere. His countenance remained serious and his gaze was on her intently. He was not playing around.

And for some reason, Y/N loved that.

After all, if she thought about it, whether or not to sign the renewed contract, the things between them would remain the same; even if there was no prescribed pact between, she had no time —or intentions— to seek or attempt anything with someone else. She had nothing to lose or regret.

The Drug of a Sinner // Jung WooyoungWhere stories live. Discover now