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The accelerated footsteps of Y/N moving from side to side echoed throughout the apartment as she searched at full speed for each of the elements that made up her work uniform. The night before, she had come back too late and exhausted to have collected and organized her things before sleep took her over.

It was Saturday morning; sadly, the only day that she had no justification for being late. She normally could use university as an excuse during the week, even though she was not used to being late often. After all, Y/N was very responsible.

When she finally managed to collect everything she needed, she left her home in a rush and headed straight for her job.

She had been employed as a helper at one of the major pawn shops in the city. It was a well-paid job and they used to help each other among the staff to make the tasks more enjoyable. Although the place had become less recurring over time, she assumed that the few loyal customers she frequented were enough to make the work profitable.

When she crossed the doorframe, she hurriedly bowed her head apologetically, and walked to her workstation. However, she could feel the gazes of her co-workers on her, as if they knew something that she did not.

It definitely seemed to be the case.

Confused, she frowned and looked up, intending to find a pair of eyes that would answer her doubts. But immediately all eyes on her were turned away.

Then, the strange sensation that she experienced, only grew when she heard her name come out of the lips of her superior. The girl felt a current run through her body and turned around, rising from her seat instantly as she saw the man in front of her. He smiled kindly and motioned for her to follow him, leading her into his office and closing the door behind him.


"I am so sorry." She intervened, bowing again. "I... I didn't control the timing well this time. I know that the schedule is a strict thing that we all must follow and..."

"Y/N, no..."

"It won't happen again, I promise."

"It's not that, Miss Hwang."

Then the girl was silent. Her boss's words had been sharp, as if he was begging her to let him speak.

"You see..." he continued. "This business is not like it used to be... I'm sure you have noticed; our best customers have started to decrease how often they come in and sales and trades have dropped significantly this month."

Y/N nodded slowly; indeed, it had been precisely what she had already thought a couple of times.

"That's why in the last meeting we had with the finance and administration teams, we concluded that the only way to keep this place afloat is by cutting the budget."

At that moment, the girl froze. Even though she needed the confirmation, she thought she perfectly knew where that was going, and she did not like the sound of it at all. After all, it was not a secret that each budget cut meant, also, a personnel adjustment.

"Miss Hwang."

"That means...?" A lump formed in her throat and she was forced to clear it in discomfort. "I-I...? Am I fired?"

The man noticed the nervousness in Y/N's eyes and pressed his lips into a smile that looked more like a pity gesture.

"You are much younger than many of our employees..." he said softly. "You have..."

"Less experience? That's why?

"No, no, of course not. That has never been a problem or something that has played against you." The man shook his head and continued speaking calmly. "It's just... how to say it..."

Y/N swallowed heavily and was silent, unable to vent her bad feelings with that sweet man.

"You have more life ahead of you."

And then that answer came like a bucket of cold water. Her body froze in disbelief and she blinked a few times. In fact, it was true that her co-workers were over the age of 50, but it would never have crossed her mind that being young would be the reason for her firing.

When she could take it in, she clenched her jaw and nodded slowly.

"I'm sorry."

"It's fine." She shook her head and took a deep breath, smiling later. "Thanks, for everything."

And then she walked out of the office. She tried to collect her things as quickly as possible, and left the place after saying goodbye to her co-workers with a smile that managed to hide what she felt.

When she arrived at her apartment, the world had fallen on her. She had had enough time to reflect on the way back, and she knew what was coming would be complicated; finding a job at that point in the year was an almost impossible mission. Much more so when her work experience was limited to the short time she was in the pawn shop.

But she had things to do.
Things to pay.
A future to sustain.

She let out a suffocated sigh and leaned against the wall, eventually sitting on the floor.

Y/N felt sunk, buried in a hole deeper and deeper. The previous year had been easy, since it was the beginning of her studies, her family had financed both semesters without problems. However, now, she had been forced to find a source of income to pay for the rest of her career. Of course, in addition to her independence.

When she found that position vacant, she did not even hesitate to take it. Everyone at the pawn shop was surprised to see someone so young interested in work, however, noting her perseverance and determination in her performance, no one doubted her ability.

After that, the first semester was easy.
Getting away from her family and gaining independence from them -as difficult as it was- ended up being therapeutic. Liberating.

But now... it was over.

She had to pay the monthly fee if she wanted to continue with her studies, but she still did not have the necessary money, and the indemnification would surely come after her deadline.

She was in trouble.

Then her cell phone rang and a message from Samuel appeared.

Ryu told me to not even try, because you work every weekend, but a part of me feels like a terrible friend if I don't...
We'll meet at the new club that opened last week... you know which, we've talked about how great it looks.
Well, just that.
Are you free today?

"Sam is typing..."

Y/N read the words of her friend and smiled slightly. Sam's thoughtfulness always made her smile hopelessly. He had been one of her first friends, in fact, he was the one responsible for her not spending much of her days alone,

And, of course, without knowing how, he was always opportune.

"Yes, I'm free today"

Then Sam stopped typing.
Possibly deleting the previous message.


"Yes, but if you don't want me to be...
I can make other plans, don't worry."

No! You already said you were free.
See you.
You know where.
I'll tell everyone, you can't escape now.

The Drug of a Sinner // Jung WooyoungWhere stories live. Discover now