Izuku's eyes widened as he kept them pinned onto the floor, he felt a chill run down his spine as he began to cold sweat.
He didn't want to imagine what he'd be put through...
But his mind could only go to dark corners.

"Still no comment, wow.
Tomura, throw him in the beasts domain.
After an hour, you may bring him back out and put him back in his dungeon room.

If he survives that is."

Izuku sat there defeated, he couldn't do anything.
His hands were bound, he had swords pointed at him in all directions, he was in enemy territory, and he didn't even have a single weapon.
He was trapped.

"Tch, ok"
Tomura ordered for kurogiri to drag him once more as they walked out to go to the place labeled beasts domain.

Izuku was dragged outside and put before a large gate.
Inside was decent greenery, almost a small forest.
All of it was gated however, there wasn't any escape.

"Good luck surviving this"
Tomura sneered as he allowed for kurogiri to stick him inside, still chained up.

Izuku was transported with a warp gate, the gated door never opened...

"What the hell do I do?!"
Izuku internally screamed as he looked around.
He felt menacing eyes all around him, he got goosebumps as he quickly stood up.
It was a struggle but it was between life and death.

He heard low snarling coming from a dark shaded spot amongst the trees.
His heart dropped as he immediately began to ran, he knew it wasn't the best decision but he wasn't just about to stand there helpless either.

And that's when it begun...

A part lion, snake, goat, charged at him.
It was a chimera.

The lions head immediately bit izuku, he was lucky however...
His chains were the things to get bitten first.

They broke off, he finally had his hands back.

The chimera, obviously, wasn't done there. It charged at him again, aiming for his head.
Izuku stop dropped and rolled out of the way, watching it miss with just a hair to spare from his own head.

His eyes caught a large branch that had been just sitting there by a bush.
He grabbed it, it was larger than his sword but of the same weight so swinging it was only moderately more difficult.

The chimera charged at him, Baring it's fangs.
Izuku launched the large branch straight into it's mouth, lodging it into it's throat.
He knew it likely wouldn't kill it but it could but him time.

He ran as far away as he could and up onto a tree.
He had lost the chimera!


That was the least of his worries...

There was an anaconda in the tree.

"Are your ki-"
Izuku didn't even have the second to think.
The thing immediately launched at him, hoping to coil around him and suffocate him.
It had been a while since a "meal" that large had stumbled by it's nest.

Izuku jumped and grabbed onto the first thing his hands could reach, he was lucky again that it was another branch of a tree a decent distance away.
But that didn't stop the anaconda's pursuit.
It was too hungry.

He swung himself up and stood on the branch, it wasn't too stable.
He quickly hopped to another branch, he knew once the anaconda reached that the branch would snap and they'd both go splat.

The snake traveled fast, too fast, izuku didn't know how he'd escape it...
Especially with how it had only been 4 minutes since he had been put there.
He had to bare it for another hour.

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