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Rue was by herself once again after her brother left. She was still surprised of last night. Christian has been trying to talk to her all day and she hasn't been answering him talking about it after she told him once she made it back to her place. She remembering to tell him to wait until he still continues after. Rue folded her arms as she sighs. "Maybe Adriana's right..."

Then she gets a knock at her door. She furrowed her eyebrows, she looks through the peephole to see that it was Christian with something in a bag. She's instantly surprised by this and she clears her throat before opening the door.

As she opens the door as he looks at her, "Hey."

"Hi." She sighs as she steps aside to let him in.

"I felt bad...Last night, I was too caught up in the moment to even listen. I'm sorry, Rue I am." Christian places down the bag and takes both of her hands to grab them.

"You know I would never wanna hurt you or rub off that bad type of motive on you." He tells her.

She sighs, "Okay."

"Close your eyes." He tells her as she closes her eyes.

He goes into the bag to lift up a jiggly puff stuffed animal in his hands. "Now open them."

Rue looks as she gasps, "Oh my god. Jiggly Puff!" Rue squeals as she takes it.

"You remember that she's my favorite, baby thank you." Rue places down jiggly puff and she hugs Christian.

"You forgive me?" He asks.

"Yeah. Just ask me next time please." Rue tells him.

"I will." He kisses her.


Tara groans as she begins to wake up with a big headache. She blinks her eyes as she starts to look around. She realizes that she's in a room that looks oddly familiar. She looks around still as she looks down at the bed. And that's when she realizes where she is.

She looks down to see that she has an anklet bracelet on and sighs. She shakes her head. Instead she tries to get up from the bed. She stands up trying to have balance as everything was still dizzy to her and she had a headache.

She limped a little as she walked, she opened the door. She knew exactly where she was it brought back a lot of memories. She saw those same halls that she ran down to get away from Dex once she realized that she couldn't take anymore. "I can't take this anymore!" She hears herself say in her thoughts.

She sighs and closes her eyes until she hears, "You're awake."

She turns to see that it was Dex.

She places her hand on her chest as she was startled. Then she shakes her head. She sighs, "What's the reason for all of this, Dex?"

He looks at her as he takes his shades off, "Don't tell me that we forever and you leave when I cheat." He says as she furrowed her eyebrows.

She looks at him with disgust, "Do you not hear the words that come out of your fucking mouth?"

"Look, what I'm trying to say is that-" Dex says as Tara cuts him off.

"What's the whole meaning of this shit?" Tara sarcastically laughs.

"I don't get it! You had all of those bitches out there including my best friend and kidnapping me is supposed to be your way of trying to get me back? You really took the term, "get her back" out of context if you ask me." Tara groans as she was about to walk off until he grabs her.

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