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"I really tried to enjoy my night tonight." Mahogany folds her arms while she sits down as the girls help fix her back up.

"That bitch deserved it if you asked me." Dynasty help her fix her makeup.

"Period." Drea and Porsha say at the same time.

"Rue did tell me that the girl you fought is her brother's ex." Adriana folds her arms.

"Wait-" Adriana says as she runs out.

Emerald looks at her phone, "Oh- well let me go into the bathroom. I just got a message."

Emerald gets up, "Wait." She turns around.

"Can I have your number or something?" She asks.

"Sure." Xavier shrugs as she gives him her phone and he puts his number in there.

"Talk to you later, nice meeting you." Emerald tells him as she leaves.

Ron just looks, "Two in one night?"

"Nigga no." Xavier shakes his head.

"Let me go find Rue. I'll talk to y'all niggas tomorrow." Xavier gets up as he goes back inside.

"Rue!" Adriana yells as Rue turns around.

"Is your friend okay?" Rue asks.

"Yeah, she's fine. But I wanted to get your stuff so we don't lose contact." Adriana tells her.

"Okay here." Rue takes out her phone as her and Adriana swapped to get each other's numbers and socials.

"It was nice meeting you. And Amber too. Give her my stuff whenever you can." Adriana speaks.

"Cool I will, and it was nice meeting you too." Rue says as the both of them ran off.

Xavier went inside and saw Rue and was about to call out her name until, "Wait!"

Xavier hears Ty's voice, "This nigga." Xavier mumbled.

"Hey, I need your number or something man or else I won't know where to meet up and shit for tomorrow." Ty tells him.

"You right." Xavier agrees.

"Here." Ty takes out his phone.

Xavier puts his number in there and gives it back. "I texted a word to myself so I can know to respond later."

"Cool. Nice meeting you man." Ty smiles as Xavier walks off.

"Rue! Let's go!" Xavier calls out to her.

Rue approaches him and he turns around to walk out. She follows after him, "I'm sorry about tonight, if I would've known that Leah-"

"Not your fault. You didn't know, plus I know you wouldn't want me anywhere around her crazy ass and I wouldn't want  you too either." He corrects her.

"I just wanted you to have a good time, you know?" Xavier shrugs.

"I did, I made a new friend, I just wish Leah wasn't there." Rue sighs.

"I'm actually glad I did came." Xavier tells her as the both of them continue to walk to the car.

Emerald makes it to the bathroom as Mahogany was back to how she looked before. "Hey, are you okay?"

"Where the fuck were you?" Mahogany asked.

"My bad I was talking to this guy that Faye-" emerald gets cuts off.

"Whatever. Let's get the fuck from out of here." Mahogany grabs her bags to get up.

"Also, Drea and Porsha I had fun with y'all and I'm down to hang again next time." Mahogany tells them as she leaves out with her cousin and the others.

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