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Edward stood in Tori's room staring at her sleeping figure. He laid the letter beside her as he hated that Carlisle thought it was a good idea to leave like Tyler suggested. He couldn't leave, but he has plans to find answers to see what type of bond him and Tori share. "I will be back for you baby. I promise."

Feeling wind, Tori raised up and grabbed her chest in pain. She saw the letter and opened it.


My sweet loving mate, I'm so sorry. Tyler suggested us to leave and Carlisle agreed. I fought for us, but they don't want me here knowing Bella was in danger. I promise you that I will come back. I need answers on our mate bond. I hope I'm back in time. I can't lose you. Don't forget that I love you, Tori Swan.

Tori started crying causing Charlie to run in. "Tori, what's wrong?'

"He's gone." She tells him.

Charlie hugged his daughter hating this was happening.
That morning, Tori couldn't go to school because of the pain. Even Edward was feeling the pain causing him to attack Tyler. "Thanks a lot." He said. "I hurt my mate, I know she's crying because I can feel her emotions. You got what you wanted and I hope you die because if something happens to Tori."

"Edward, it's to protect them..."

"Tori is already protected!" Edward says. "You forgot that when we are too far apart, we feel like we are dying. If she dies then I know I will be with her."

Esme looked at Carlisle who sighed. "We made a mistake taking Tyler's side that we forgot about Edward and Tori's mysterious mate bond."

Edward left as he couldn't be near them. Rosalie walked over to Tyler and held him against the wall. "I hope you are happy because we may have not just lost Tori, but Edward. If Tori dies because of the distance, Edward will die too."

"We need to find out what they are before it's too late." Emmett says. "I'm not losing my brother."
That night, Charlie was worried for his youngest and now his eldest as she never came home. Billy looked at Charlie. "How's Tori?"

"She's in too much pain. She won't move and I had a doctor come in, but she couldn't find anything wrong." He said. "It's weird. All this started all because of Edward's departure."

Billy looked at Charlie wide eyed as Sam came through the woods carrying Bella. Sam looked at Billy who knew. "We need to watch Tori Swan."

"Edward left."

"Not own his own according to what Tori told Charlie later on today. He was forced to leave."

"So the legend is true."

"She's the soulmate of a vampire. If she dies..."

"He dies."

Billy and Sam look back at the Swan house knowing that they needed to watch Tori Swan and try to find Edward Cullen before it's too late.

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