Chapter 22

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  Me and Arizona have been going out and secretly fucking for a while now.

  My seventeenth birthday is tomorrow, I'm excited but I'm also upset, I won't be able to see Arizona, and I have to spend it with both Scarlett and Maya. I have warmed up to Maya a little bit but it's still tough, and its not only my birthday but it's also Dani's. I don't mind sharing a birthday it's just I never had too before.
  For my fifteenth birthday it was with Scarlett, and my sixteenth Scarlett and Rose were in the hospital.
   I may be starting to get along with Maya but it seems that Scarlett and Maya have gotten really close, they don't fight anymore, they hang out a lot, when   Scarlett wants to drink, Maya brings the alcohol over and they will drink together, it's like they've become best friends, I mean I know they aren't together, Scarlett is engaged and Maya is Married.
  Sense I can't see Arizona tomorrow we are going to celebrate my birthday tonight, she said she has a surprise for me, I don't know if I should be scared or what.

  I have my license and a car now, so I drive over to Arizona's house. When I get there, I see Scarletts car outside, so I drive around the block, and I call Arizona.
"Hey, what is my mom doing there"
"She wanted to talk, she just left"
"What were you guys talking about"
"She wanted to invite me to your birthday party"
"Oh, hey I'll call you back, my mom is calling me"
  Arizona gave me my birthday present. We had dinner, watched a movie, and had some fun in the bed. She also gave me a promise necklace with a ring on it, just a promise ring.
  Tonight, is my birthday gathering, I get dressed and ready. I start to do mt makeup when I hear a thud downstairs, I quietly open my door a peak out into the hallway, I see Scarlett with Maya, then they start making out, and tearing each other's clothes off, once they are in Scarletts room I quickly go and grab their clothes they took off in the hallway. It pisses me off that Scarlett is cheating on Lizzie and with a married woman, MY BIRTH MOTHER! I love Lizzie like my mom and I don't want to hurt her, and I don't want them to split up on my birthday, so I decide to knock on Scarletts bedroom door, "Mom  Lizzie is going to be home soon so you and Maya should probably put your clothes on."
  Just then the bell rings, I check the ring camera and  its Arizona so I open the gate "Your early" I say as she walks up to the door 'Well I was hoping we could talk" She says raising her eyebrow with a smirk on her face, "My mom is home and Maya is here" "I have a car, and so do you, so who's we choosing" ''Mine and were driving your car around the blocks so my mom doesn't know you're here" "Fine then let's go" "actually I just is in an hour and I'm not done getting ready I still have makeup and hair to do, but you can help"
"Mom Arizona is here!" I shout up the stairs.
Just then Maya and Scarlett come downstairs
  It's been a couple hours sense the party started, I didn't invite many friends but I invited a lot of my co-workers. Its about time for cake but I don't know where Arizona is, she disappeared and so did Mom, I go looking for them, I open the guest room door, the last room I need to check, I open the door and stop dead in my tracks, "Are you fucking kidding me!" I close the door and start to walk away; the door re- opens and Arizona comes out I walk away into my room and slam the door.
   Arizona walks in my room, opening the door slowly,     
   "Y/n, look I didn't mean t hook up with your mom it just happened" "DID IT! when Scarlett was at your house instead of inviting you over what where you guys really doing?" I ask "Y/n..." "What where you doing Zona" all Arizona does is look down "Wow Arizona, get out, don't come near me or my family and especially not Scarlett, look I love Scarlett and Lizzie together and they wont be if you stay in the picture, were over Arizona now get the fuck out"
I push her out of my room and imminently close the door, I put my back to the door, slide down to the floor and start crying.
  After a while I decide to do back downstairs, I come down the stairs and Scarlett walks over to me, "Y/n we need to talk" she says as she grabs my hand "no just no not right now Scarlett"

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