Chapter 9

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The doctors come in my room every day to check on me, they are always checking my leg, they say I have an infection, they even said they might have to cut off my leg, Scarlett told them they can't do that I need my leg.
A month ago I signed up for Track, I have always been a fast runner, I would sometimes have to run from John and his friends, but they always ended up getting me and beating me, sometimes to cool down john let me do one thing which was run 5 miles a day, but I had to run with him, and act like I was a perfect angel and that he was the best father you could ever imagine, that every woman would want as a father to their kids. He would even use me to pick up woman with kids, he really did like woman with kids. One time he was even successful and picked up this woman and her 5-year-old, he had brought them home, and while they were on the couch and the little girl had to stay in my room, I took her up to the roof knowing what John was going to do.
The first day he brought me and my mom home he beat us he had picked us up off the street, my mom should have known

that a man like John wouldn't want a girlfriend off the street, she was so desperate that when he proposed she said yes knowing what he did to her and me.
I was five when they met and a week later, they were married.
He has always tried to pick up woman with children of the ages of 4-6, I guess so he could beat them when their young and so they know not to escape from him, but he had only been successful once.
When I took that little girl to the roof she was scared and didn't know what I was doing, but it was for her own protection, I said "I'm sorry about this" and then threw her across onto the neighbors trampoline I had told her to stay there until I tell her its safe, I get back in the house and I see The little girls mom in my room, she told me she was looking for the bathroom, so I showed it to her and waited outside the door, once she had come out I grabbed her arm and dragged her onto the roof and told her it wasn't safe here, I told her to drop across onto the trampoline where her daughter is and she did so, I then went back inside and there he was waiting for me, he told me I had ruined everything.
The point is, running is my life, it's what calms me down, without it, I would be anxious and have more panic and anxiety attacks like I did when I lived with john and I don't want that, next to PTSD.

Next thing we knew I was coding, it took the doctors 20 minutes to revive me before they almost gave up and called it but I luckily came back, they said it was because of my leg infection, and if we don't decide to amputate it I could die.
After a couple minutes Scarlett and I make the decision to cut it off.
Even though it's removing a body part it's still very expensive.
The hospital bill, leg therapy, prosthetic leg, if we decided on that.
Amputations get expensive, and I don't want Scarlett to spend that money but as she is my guardian for now, then adoption, hopefully, its her decision, her money, if she wants to spend it on my medical bills, then I guess she can.
Once they take me into surgery Scarlett goes to the waiting room. While I'm in the hospital Rose has been staying with Lizzie.
I wake up an hour after surgery, I pull the blankets off and see my bandaged amputee leg, even if I get a prosthetic I still wont be able to run, when you only have one leg its hard to find sports, I don't like any sports but the ones that include running, the only other thing I do like doing is singing, so maybe I could sing up for choir, or maybe drama, I don't know, I know I will miss running but it was so save my life.

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