47: What the hell?

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(Writer's note: Writing this story became more and more of a escape from reality for me.  I had the opportunity to live out my creativity to the fullest, to create things that would actually be absolutely impossible if you follow the storylines of the comics and logical thinking, was allowed to do a lot of research and continue to use these characters for you after the series season finale for you  to bring them to Life in a whole different way. Of course, I can't always satisfy all readers, although I really wish I could.  And that's why I often had my doubts.  But ultimately, I am thankful for everyone who has stayed until now and is still diligently reading on.  Thank you so much. And now (hopefully) enjoy the next chapter.)

//Marc's POV//

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//Marc's POV//

A few days ago I accidentally found out that something was going on between Jake and some young girl. When I found out who the girl was, it made things even more difficult for me.

The girl I'm talking about is Ruby. Jo's younger sister. She introduced her to us yesterday.

I clearly remember the moment Ruby stood in front of me and I realized that she's the one who is occasionally making out with Jake.

I'm not even exaggerating when I say she's far too young. She just turned 18 a few weeks ago.

That wasn't typical Jake behavior at all. He knows the limits and would never get involved with someone that young.

He wouldn't even get too close to Ruby under different circumstances.  It just didn't make sense to me why he did it now.

Maybe she was some kind of witch who had full control over him?  Maybe he wasn't himself? 

There has to be an explanation for all of this. 

The problem is that I can't tell Jo about Ruby and Jake.  She would freak out.

And actually she deserves to know the truth but I didn't know how to tell her.  Every time I wanted to tell her, I couldn't.

She would either kill Jake or her own sister.  More likely Jake. 

But maybe she'll be mad at me for not stopping them as soon as I found out about it.

Maybe someday the truth will come out.  I just had to wait.  Eventually, the truth always came out.

But I'm not a very patient person and I wasn't good at lying either.  Well, actually I just have to keep this little piece of information to myself. However, that is easier said than done.

So I avoided Jo most of the time and avoided direct eye contact so I wouldn't lose my nerve and tell her everything.

Eventually she'll get suspicious and start asking questions.  But until then I have to  pull myself together.

It's none of my business who Jake spends his time with.  It's his life.  And his activities weren't illegal, just incredibly weird and somehow reprehensible.

Who am I to judge? Maybe they really like each other.  But it was reprehensible nonetheless.

//Jo's POV//

I'm really bored because Jake has been gone for days, my sister doesn't have time for me, my other sister is too busy and Marc is avoiding me. Not even Layla has time for me.

Yes, Marc is avoiding me. Even though we sleep in the same bed and live in the same apartment.

Marc has always been weird but that's what I loved most about him. Even if his behavior was often very questionable.

So I'll tolerate Marc avoiding me for a while.  But since I somehow had to get rid of my boredom, I took the opportunity that Ruby had forgotten her spare key in the cafe.

I wanted to give that key back to her a few days ago, but I knew that it could be useful to me.  Like right now, for example.

So I took the key and made my way to the house where her apartment was.  The elevator was still broken so I had to take the stairs.  Unfortunately she lives on the top floor.

When I got to the top, my body was craving oxygen. It took me a few seconds to catch my breath before breaking into my sisters apartment and disrespecting her privacy to kill my boredom.

I hated to invade her privacy without notice, but she was a boring person in general.

Of course, that didn't excuse my behavior, but what was she supposed to do? Read? Cook?

She's probably sitting on the couch watching some cartoon series. Ruby just doesn't lead an interesting life.

So I unlock the door and enter the apartment when I catch my sister making out with some man in the kitchen.

At first I can't make out who this mysterious man is who is keeping my sister company. I can only see him from behind. But somehow he seemed so familiar to me. Even from behind.

Is it Marc? Is that why he keeps avoiding me? I take a closer look and when he turns a little to the side I finally recognize who it is : Jake Lockley.

What the hell?! My Ex-boyfriend and my younger sister? In this very moment, I was hoping this was just a bad joke. A nightmare maybe. It couldn't be real.

And then Jake spots me. I don't want any explanation. I just want to get away from them, from him, as quickly as possible. I want to forget about what I just saw.

I drop her spare key and leave the apartment. I wish I was faster because as I try to outrun him, Jake catches up with me in the stairwell.

He holds me tight and pulls me very gently so I can't get away from him. I'm so close to him that I'm almost forced to look into his eyes. But I avoid all eye contact.

„Hey..Jo, let me explain. It's not what it looks like."

„It's exactly what it looks like, Jake.  You couldn't have me, so you take revenge by trying to get with my little sister and you succeeded.  What are you trying to prove to me?  Who are you even trying to prove anything to? „

And now I realize that this is not even primarily about the well-being of my sister.  It's about him.  Not in a romantic way. 

I love Marc.  I didn't want a romantic relationship with Jake.  But I didn't want anyone else to get it either. 

I didn't want anyone else to experience what I did back then.  I know how stupid that sounds.

Jake was such an important part of me.  A part I didn't want to give to anyone else.  My sister doesn't deserve him. Or maybe I'm just a monster.

(To be continued ..)

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