41: Steven Grant

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(Writer's note: since the last chapter ended with a cliffhanger, but I also want to write new Steven chapters again, I'll continue the last chapter in this one but from Steven's POV)

"You're what?" Was the only answer I could think of at that moment.

It wasn't like I wasn't happy about this news.

But somehow the fact that she said it so suddenly just after the New Year overwhelmed me.

"Well, uhm.. now I'm wondering if I shouldn't just have kept it to myself."

"No, I'm sorry. I'm glad you said it."

And I really was. I just wasn't sure if I was capable of taking care of a child.

I've had trouble taking care of Minnie. And actually, I wasn't in control of my own life either.

I knew that Luna would do a great job, taking care of a child.

"I'm really tired. Let's just go to sleep. " I suggested.

"I'm not tired but I'll see you tomorrow. Sleep well, Steven." She replied and I went to bed.

I didn't know if she really wasn't tired or if it was just an excuse to watch more episodes of Friends.

But Luna rarely slept anyway. She didn't need much sleep to be awake enough to start the day.

Sometimes she only slept 2 hours and that was enough for her. It wasn't healthy, but that's how Luna was.

She is an energetic person in general.


When I woke up, Luna wasn't home.  I was usually the one who left the house early in the morning.

She was probably at the supermarket. In the few moments that she left the house, she mostly went there.

When I opened the curtains, I saw how it was raining outside.

There was a knock on the door and it couldn't be Luna as she had a key.

But who of our friends was up so early? Marc was normally still asleep at this time. Just like Jo.

It was Jake. Why didn't I think of that right away?

Well, he doesn't usually come here. Especially not this early.

He came in and sat straight down on the sofa.

"Is Luna at home?" He asked.

"Well, no she isn't. But why are you asking that? You can't stand her and she can't stand you. "

"Yes that is true. But I am desperate and would now even talk to a stranger about my problems."

"You can talk to me. Just tell me what you would say to Luna if she were here right now."

"I don't know. The problem is that I still have feelings for her sister, even though I don't want to."

This admission wasn't really unexpected as everyone knew that Jake had developed a small obsession with Jo.

He was having a really hard time forgetting about her. And that was exactly what bothered him, because he didn't want to think about her.

He didn't want to love her. I think he secretly wanted to hate her but couldn't.

Hate was just Jake's way of protecting himself and he couldn't use that protective wall of hate on Jo because he loved her too much.

At least that was my vague prognosis of the situation.

"Maybe you should talk to Jo about all of this, you know? "

"No, that definitely won't happen. I won't tell her about it. And you won't either, because otherwise I'll strangle you in your sleep."

"Well, but you obviously still love her and you can't get over her. You only punish yourself by keeping the truth a secret. You need to talk to tell her everything, Jake."

"I'm not sure if I'm talking to my brother or to a therapist, to be honest."

"Well, I'm telling you to talk to her as your therapist and brother."

"But you're not even a real therapist."

"No, but I'm doing a great job faking to be a therapist."

It felt strange having such a normal conversation with Jake.

Usually he was just in a bad mood and hardly ever spoke to me.

"I really hate to admit that you're right. But you're right. I think I really need to talk to Jo."

"Yes, just not now, because she's probably still asleep."

He just nodded. And only a few seconds later Luna came home. However, she wasn't alone. Layla was with her.

"What are you guys talking about?" Layla asked.

"Well, Jake simply needed some advice from me because i am so incredibly wise."

Jake laughed but threw me off with a pillow shortly after.

Then he went home without saying another word.

"I think I skipped a few chapters. When did you guys decide to be best friends?" I asked Layla and Luna who were preparing breakfast together.

"Well, you just skipped quite a few chapters. " the two girls said jokingly.

Steven Grant Where stories live. Discover now