Chapter 18- The Bianchi sister's

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//Jo's POV//

After Marc and I got home around 10:00 p.m. we got pretty drunk.

And what happened after that I could hardly remember.

But maybe that was for the best.

This morning when I woke up I was all alone. My sister had stayed at Steven's and Marc was gone.

So I had to make my own breakfast.

Usually my sister would wake up early, make breakfast for us, and then wake me up very gently.

Almost like a mother.

But now I was on my own and I found that really annoying.

I made breakfast, got ready and went to the gym.

I hated all kind of sports.

However, it was now part of my morning routine since my sister insisted on exercising in the morning.

That's why we usually went to the gym together every morning after breakfast.

But not today.

I was still totally hung over and therefore extremely demotivated.

However, exercise was also a good way to pass the time.

When I got home I took a shower.

I felt totally sweaty and I was.

However, when I got out of the shower and after I got dressed, my sister was still not home.

Of course, that wasn't a cause for concern since she was with Steven.

He always took very good care of her.

I still wondered where Marc was.

He didn't reply to my text messages.

So I turned on the TV and watched an episode of my favorite show.

When I was about to watch the second episode, Marc came back.

"Where have you been?"

"I just got a few things done."

"You were with Layla?"

"Well, I didn't say that."

"But it's true, isn't it?"

"Why is that so important?"

"It isn't..I was just curious."


//Luna's POV//

Everything was back to normal.

Well, my small but morbid obsession with Steven never quite disappeared.  Even though I wish it did.

And now I was with him again, forgiving him and even befriending the woman I almost lost him to.

Maybe I was stupid and naive. 

But I couldn't help it.  I loved this man and there was nothing I could do about it.

Steven was someone who wasn't like everyone else. 

He was special and that's what I liked so much about him.

The only "drastic" change in all of this was that Steven wasn't just my best friend anymore.

No, I was actually his girlfriend now.

Even if saying it out loud, sounded like we were some newly in love teenagers.

Well, that's the way it was.

I was actually dating Steven Grant now.

He was at work and I was incredibly bored all morning and afternoon.


When Steven got home everything was the same as always.

The same procedure as every evening.

We sat at the table, ate and chatted occasionally.

"I always thought Donna would never trust me with that tour guide job.

To be honest, I thought she would rather fire me than offer me a new and better job.

But, you know what? One of our tour guides has quit his job and that's why I got the job."

"That's amazing! Nobody is as perfectly made for this job as you are."

And there it was: his adorable smile.

However, his smile faded when he saw the huge cut on my hand.

"What happened?" he asked while he tenderly took my hand in his to take a closer look at it.

"I just cut myself while making food."

"You have to take care of the wound so that dirt doesn't get in there.  "

"It's alright.  I have thoroughly disinfected it. I just didn't put a plaster or bandage around it or on it."

"Yeah, but fresh blood looks totally gross."

He said while bandaging the wound.

And I laughed a little.

"Don't laugh.  I love you and I'm worried about you.  It has nothing to do with the fact that I find blood very disgusting."

He said and then started laughing himself.

"I love you too. But we both know that's not true."

"Yeah, you're right."


After dinner and a long conversation about various topics,  Steven went to bed because he had to get up early the next morning.

I listened to music for quite a while and went to sleep a little later.

At least, I tried to sleep.

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