22. The return of Jake Lockley

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(Writer's note: This is part 2. I will either make this a long chapter or I will make a third part. How do you like this version of Jake so far? )

Jo hadn't suspected anything.

She would notice sooner or later because the real Marc didn't know about any of this. 

And that's why I had to keep Marc away from her.

So I tried to keep him busy by sending him on a mission that actually didn't exist.

And Steven was at work.  So I still had enough time to do enough damage. 

And in the end we could blame all of this on Marc and everyone would believe it, especially Jo, because Marc is crazy.

It was almost sad because Jo pretended to love Marc but then kissed someone that isn't Marc.

Does she really love him?

And if she did, did she really love his personality or just his looks?


I must have spent a whole week with Jo pretending to be Marc.

Marc and Steven still weren't back.

Well, Steven was always at home when he didn't have to work.

I had a hard time disguising my voice and faking the American accent.

Especially over such a long period of time it was almost unbearable.

I had to dress like Marc and I had to pull myself together to keep tricking her.

She never once suspected anything.

We lived the normal boyfriend and girlfriend life.

I hated being all romantic and cheesy. But that was the sacrifice I had to make in order to get what i wanted.

And when Jo went shopping I jumped at the chance to switch roles.

Now it was time to visit Luna.

A quick outfit change and then I had to activate the British accent.

Which was a lot easier than speaking and acting like an American.

Seriously, I should become an actor.

So I entered the apartment and pretended to be Steven who had just got back from work.

Luna had cooked and the rumors were true: she was an excellent cook.

After dinner we just did all those things that she and Steven thought were fun.

We we watched some really bad movies and I had to pretend like I was enjoying it.

Steven wasn't back from work yet.

"So..Jake tell me, how hard was it to pretend you were Steven?"

She knew.  How did she find out?

"You might have thought that me not being able to read your mind would be some sort of advantage for you. But that's exactly what got me thinking that you're not Steven. Also, I recognize Steven right away when I see him. But good try."

"Have I ever told you that I don't like you?"

"I don't like you either, Jake."

"Can't you just pack up your spell book and return to your universe? "

"What spell book? You've watched too many movies. But no..I can't."

"Unlike you and Steven, I don't watch movies."

"What's your problem, Jake?  Why do you want to get rid of me? You didn't seem to be having a problem with Layla either."

"Yes, I did.  And she's gone, isn't she?"

"That was you?  You convinced her to divorce Marc?"

"Yes, it was me you genius  And it worked, didn't it? Now she won't bother us anymore."

"Yes, but just because you got rid of Layla doesn't mean you'll be successful getting rid of me and my sister."

"You know, I'm gonna sit back and and then you can continue to be convinced that you are right."

"I think you're jealous because Marc and Steven live their own lives.  And because you don't play that much of a big role in their lives.  You look like them, but you're not one of them. That must be so hard for you."

"Save your fake sympathy for another time and enjoy the time you have Left with Steven."

"Is that a threat?"

"It sure is. "

And just as I was about to walk to the door, Luna got threateningly close to me.

"If you get near my sister one more time, I'll murder you myself, Jake Lockley."

And then I left.

Did I ever tell you how much I hated Luna?

Because I did.

(Writers Note: I'll probably publish a third part later. )

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