Chapter III

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(Writers Note:
Yeah, I know what you're thinking: Why would Scott just show up at Stevens Apartment?
Good question. Next question.
You will get your explanation for why that happened soon enough. )


Who was this woman?

Without saying a word, she pushed past me and entered my flat.

She didn't seem very friendly, but apparently she was friends with my unexpected guest, Scott Lang.

„Have you told him why we are here already?"

She asked while she looked back and forth between me and Scott.

„I think so, yes.
I told him that we would help him with his problems. „

Scott said and sat down.

„May I ?" She asked me and pointed at the bed, indirectly asking if she could sit down on my bed, just like Scott did.

I was glad that she had even noticed that I was in the room.

Because she didn't seem to care when she entered my flat without a  warning.

So I nodded and she sat down right next to Scott.

"I like your apartment.
It's so dark and has a mysterious vibe to it."

She said looking back and forth between me and Scott once again.

"Yeah, uhm ..would you guys like a tea? "

Was the only answer that came to my mind and out of my mouth in that very moment.

They both just nodded and I went to boil some water for the tea, in what I called my kitchen.

"You are not used to having guests, are you? "

I heard a voice behind me say.

It was the voice of the woman I still didn't know the name of.

She was standing right behind me when I turned to her.

She looked 23, 24 at the most.

She had long black hair, light freckles and wasn't really tall, but not really short either.

She wore a rather sporty outfit and a black leather jacket over it.

"Not really,  no.
I hope you don't mind me asking but who are you and how do you know Scott Lang?"

"I don't mind..
I get that you're curious about who's talking to you and especially who just stepped into your apartment without asking for your permission to even come in. "

She said and laughed a little.

"I'm Luna. Luna Bianchi."

She paused for a few seconds and then continued.

"Scott and I work together.
I met him sometime.
I don't remember when and how.
He and Hope are really nice people.
Hope is his girlfriend."

She said and helped me with making the tea.

Luna Bianchi?
Is the Italian?

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