34: Valentine's Day

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//Jo's POV//

Today was Valentine's Day and my sister and I have hated Valentine's Day for as long as we can remember.

But today my sister seemed to have changed her mind because she was actually celebrating Valentine's Day with Steven.

I was hanging out with Jake since he hates Valentine's Day as much as I do.

Marc wasn't home.

And Marc was busy with Minnie most of the time anyway.

I wasn't jealous of a baby, of course, but she was taking up all his time.

And even on Valentine's Day, the day I hated but would have loved to spend with Marc, he was busy taking care of a baby that wasn't even his own.

So I baked cookies with Jake. 

He wasn't even that bad at baking. 

In fact, he was actually pretty good at it.

Whether I should trust Jake with kitchen utensils like knives, however, was questionable.

But he had no intention of hurting me.  Or even killing me.  Not this time.

We placed the freshly baked cookies on a plate and let them cool.

And then we watched some episodes of Grey's Anatomy because Jake was obsessed with that show.

So here I was, spending Valentine's Day with my ex boyfriend.

//Luna's POV//

When I was a child, I used to hate Valentine's Day.

And I still did, but with Steven, it was quite enjoyable.

Steven and I were actually in Italy.

We took the plane to Rome yesterday and we stayed in this beautiful hotel with a perfect view.

I knew my way around here since my whole family came from Italy. 

But for Steven it was all so new and impressive.

And it was nice to share that memory with him. 

It was the perfect opportunity to show him all these beautiful places and wonderful people.

I knew everything here by heart.

Usually we were in England and surrounded ourselves with the people that were part of Steven's life. 

But this was my home and my people were here. The people I grew up with.

So I was even happier about the fact that Steven seemed to enjoy being here as much as I did.

"Do you think that here in Italy there is also something like superheroes?" He asked me while he was having breakfast.

"Well, perhaps. But in case they don't and there's a situation where a superhero is needed, I have one with me. "

"Really? Who?" and from the look on his face I could tell that he was being serious about that question.

"You. I was talking about you."

"I'm not a superhero. Superheroes are cool and inspire millions of people. Like the Avengers."

"Well, but you are the coolest superhero I know. And you inspire me."

And there it was: His beautiful smile that I always raved about.

And there it was: His beautiful smile that I always raved about

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//Marc's POV//

When I got home Jake was there too. 

So I left before before Jo found out that I had come home again.

Back then, Layla and I always spent Valentine's Day in a totally epic way.

But Jo preferred to spend her Valentine's Day with her ex-boyfriend. 

And that was okay, because who am I to judge? It's not like we're dating.

So I spent the rest of Valentine's Day alone at some resteraunt, and tried to distract myself from the fact that Jake and Jo were probably back together.

Alcohol gave me relief and made me forget.

Maybe getting drunk  to suppress your feelings. wasn't the best idea.

But it just seemed like the only solution I had left.

And the more I drank, the easier it became not to think about Jo and Jake.

Steven and Luna were probably having the time of their lives right now.

And I wish I'd agreed when they asked me to come with them.

But for some reason I turned down their offer and now I regret doing so.

//Luna's POV//

It was late in the evening and Steven and I were at some restaurant.

The restaurant had some kind of roof top terrace  and the view from there was amazing.

The weather was very pleasant.

Even after the sun had set, it was still relatively warm outside.

And when we finished eating, we didn't go straight back to the hotel.

We went to a park which was right next to a beautiful lake.  It was surrounded by trees.

It was very late and almost no one was here.

  Except for us, a man with his dog and two young girls who were sitting on the lawn and reading.

"You know, the food here is really good, but I miss your food.  You are the better cook. " Steven said while walking next to me.

"Well, it is  unusual not cook for you, Marc and myself.  But somehow it is  also quite pleasant not to have to cook." I replied.

I sat down on the grass and Steven sat next to me.  Today was full moon.

I loved the full moon.  Many could not sleep when there was a full moon.

Because of this, many people were averse to the full moon. 

But for me there was something soothing about it.

"I think we should get married. " Steven said out of nowhere and without any warning.

"Are you asking me to marry you , Steven Grant?"

"Well, yeah. I think I am."

"Well, in this case the answer is yes."

We were often a very unusual couple.

And this proposal reflected that perfectly.

And while the proposal was as unusual as we were, Steven seemed to have planned it beforehand. 

Because a few seconds later there was a really beautiful ring on my finger.

I could never have dreamed of that.  But I was actually engaged.

And it happened in Italy.  On Valentine's Day. 

In the most perfect moment ever. 

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