32: Love is poison

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(Writers note: Hey guys;) Today's episode aka the final episode was so good! And I LOVED the end-credit scene! First of all: this chapter may contain spoilers for the latest and of course, also for the whole show in general. So, if you haven't watched it yet, come back after you did.
By the way, if I don't write something like "///*name* POV// the chapter is most definitely written from Steven's POV. )


//Jo's POV//

I had made up my mind not to lock my door all the time. 

Jake hadn't shown up at my place since the incident and I was okay with staying home alone again.

Marc wasn't at home and my sister was shopping.

Steven was working and so I was literally all alone.

Well, not entirely alone, because Minnie was with me.

The police never got in touch with us again.

We all took care of her and just took turns looking after her.

I decided to bake something and when I was done Luna came over to pick up Minnie.

As I pulled the muffins out of the oven, I heard someone entering the apartment.

I thought it was just Luna who forgot something. Or Marc who had come home.

I put the tray of muffins on the table to cool and then went into the living room.

It was neither Marc nor Luna who had just entered my apartment. It was Jake Lockley.

Fear overcame me.

Why was he here? Why hadn't I locked the door? Why did I allow Marc to leave me alone? What should I do now?

A lot of questions ran through my head in that very moment.

"i just want to talk to you  Then I'll go. "

Unlike the day of the incident, he didn't look threatening. 

He looked like I could actually trust him with what he was saying. 

Maybe he wanted to apologize. 

No, he didn't want to apologize.  Why would he want to apologize to me for something he probably doesn't even regret?

This man was evil.

"Well, and I want you to leave.."

"I know. And I will.  But first I need to talk to you.  And I'm asking you to give me the chance to do so.  Even if I don't have the right to ask you for anything."

I probably had no other choice but to let him say what he wanted to say.

So I just nodded in agreement and sat down on the couch.

He sat down next to me and he really didn't look like he wanted to hurt me. 

But perhaps appearances were deceptive.

"I think there is a fine line between love and jealousy. Thing is, I love you and I think I was mad because you love this other version of me. Marc. You're in love with Marc. And that's okay because you don't choose who you fall in love with."

"But then why did you react the way you did?"

"You know, there are never excuses for my actions but definitely explanations.

I think the explanation for this incident was that I love you. And I'm just totally insane. I reacted in the most horrible way ever."

"Yes, indeed you have."

My mother always used to say that Jealousy is like poison for which love was the antidote.

Sometimes jealousy took over and destroyed good things that not even love could fix.

I didn't trust Jake anymore. 

But I believed him when he told me he loved me. 

Jealousy was always more effective in those moments when the person you loved loved someone else and you didn't even have the slightest chance with that person.

However, if the same situation happened while being with the person you loved, the jealousy was lower.

Did that make sense?

I think Jake loved me very much. But on the day of the incident, jealousy had taken over.

And that was by no means an excuse for his behavior.

"You know, love is like a drug. It can make you feel like the worst but it can also make you feel like your life is more interesting and better. " I said to break the silence.

I hated myself for feeling sorry for him. 

But that's what I did and I believed him. 

Although I should do the exact opposite.

"Yes, you are probably right. You really are far too wise for your age, Jo Bianchi."

He looked so innocent and vulnerable. 

And yet I knew how dangerous he was.

Despite his morbid murder fantasies and countless other red flags, he was still the Jake I laughed with and shared fond memories with.

I love Marc and I'm sure nothing will change that, but I was still able to forgive Jake and give him another chance.

Even if he might just be a friend from now on.

And the trust had to be fully rebuilt first, but we had enough time for that.

I could see that he was being serious about this. He really meant every word he said.

Otherwise he wouldn't have come here.

I couldn't stop myself from hugging him.  And it felt just like the  right thing to do.

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