Chapter 28

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I wake up and feel arms wrapped around me, I'm also leaning against a strong chest with my head burried in the crook of someone's neck. Feeling completly disoriented and forgetting the events of the previous evening I almost jump in panic, but I smell the familiar cologne. I sigh as everything from last night comes back to mind, we must of all fallen asleep in the movie room. 

I lift my head ever so slightly and look around the room, Ales and Damon aren't here. Probably had work to do, Xavier and Rider are on one of the couches, Xavier is hugging Rider from behind. They look cute, my older brothers cuddling. Apollo and Ace are on another couch, facing each other with their arms tightly wrapped around each other. I smile at my brothers, it's so hard to get them to not fight when it comes to some, well most things. But they are just wonderful while sleeping, so quiet. 

I turn to the loveseat on the opposite side of the room. There lays Olivia in a similar position as me and the person whose lap I am on. Her arms are wrapped around Xander's torso, while he has his arms around her waist. Her head is burried in the crook of his neck and they both seem satisfied with the position they are in. I turn to look at Dimitri and let me tell you he looks hella hot.

His black fluffy hair really messy, but he still looks handsome as ever. His beautiful eyes closed, with that perfect face looking like a Greek god and all. I just stare at him like a total creep. As if feeling my eyes on him, he opens his eyes, I quickly put my head into the crook of his neck, I already know he saw me. He laughs quietly as to not wake the others. He whispers "Staring, люблю (love)." 

I staying quiet with my head still in the crook of his neck, as to hide my now very red cheeks. His very sexy morning voice came out while he was saying that, which was just- ahhh. I notice that I am basically straddling him and just go a deeper shade of red if that is even possible. He grabs my chin and makes me look into those gorgeous forest green eyes of his. I say "What? Me, nah." 

He just chuckles, it's so deep and hot- ok, now that is just to many compliments. I was about to get up to go grab something to eat from the kitchen, today is the day in the week me and Dimitri will go hunting. He had gotten quite good over the time being, have I told you that he is going to be officially Don of the Mafia this week? 

Well, we had to post pone it because of the whole 'turning him' thingy. Everybody calls him Don and all, but he still has to have his ceremony where my oldest brother, Don of the Italian mafia and Dimitri's father, Don of the Russian mafia will 'crown' him Don. He will get the Don tattoo on his arm. I am so exited. Back to the present, as I'm about to get up his grip on my waist tightens so I can't move. He doesn't hold me to tight, but just tight enough so I can't move. I sigh and say "I'm trying to go and eat something." 

He rolls his eyes and says "Yeah, but you don't need to. We are going to get blood later and you wont be hungry. I know your trying to be as normal as possible for your brothers but their all sleeping right now, so cuddles?" 

I laugh a little, the ruthless Don asking for cuddles. In the under ground he is known as one of the most ruthless and... creative killers. I nod though, he place his head in the crook of my neck while I rest my head on his shoulder slowly fading back to sleep. But I feel him lightly kiss my neck. I just blush, but soon loose consciousness. Guess more sleep for me, but I don't mind if I get to stay in the arms of a very hot Greek god. I think I have a crush, ok I know it's very obvious that I do. But I can't help it. I fade into dream land, dreaming of a wonderful fantasy that will never happen.



I just wanted to know if you want a story on Olivia and Xander? If you do please comment. Also don't be a ghost reader! And COMMENT, VOTE and SHARE. Hope you like this :). I'll write the next chapter tomorrow, don't forget to comment if you want a story on Olivia and Xander! 

See ya,


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