Chapter 6 - Mysterious Green Eyes

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When I wake up, I am laying in my bed. I sighed and headed to the kitchen, when I got there the rest of my brothers have just started eating breakfast. I sat in my seat, in between Damon and Xander. As I sat down, I say "Morning." I got  reply of 'morning' and 'good morning'. Damon then said "My friend that lives with us is coming to stay over. You know about our business right?" I nodded and he smirked and said "Well, he is the Russian mafia leader." I nodded and say "I think we met when we were younger..." He nodded and said "Yeah, you saw him once. He is going to take over the Russian mafia in two weeks." I nodded, I remember that kid. 

He is about a year older than me and has Raven black hair and these beautiful green eyes. I just can't remember the name of the owner of those mysterious green eyes. My phone dinged, I checked and saw it was Olivia. We exchanged numbers last time we spoke in school. 

I looked at the message which said 'I'm free and we have a project we have to do for History about Greek gods. If your also free text me your address and I'll come over so we can do it." I looked up at all my brothers who were staring intently at my phone and asked "Can I have a friend over for a project we have to do?" Alessio nodded, I grinned. 

Apollo then asked "What is it about?" I chuckled and said "Greek gods." Ace and him nodded in sync.  I typed the address to Olivia and she wrote back 'Cool, I live 3 minutes away. Will be there soon." I gave her a thumbs up. I was about to go to my room to start setting up for our project when my phone rang. 

I was almost at the doorway, my brothers all looked at me. I saw it was an unknown number and turned to Alessio and asked "Should I answer it?" He nodded. Alessio says "Also, put it on speaker." I shrugged and said "Ok." And answered the phone. 

A voice I know a bit to well said "Hola mi pequeña querida... Veo que te has escapado. Te tendré de vuelta. No te pongas muy cómodo, te veré pronto, muy pronto. (Hi my little darling... I see you have escaped. I will have you back. Don't get too comfortable, I'll see you soon, very soon)."

I just stared at the phone, then I say "¡¿Como conseguiste este numero?! ¿Por qué diablos llamas y nos dejas solos a mí, a mis amigos y a mi familia? Nunca me vuelvas a llamar- (How did you get this number?! Why the fuck are you calling and leave me and my friends and family alone! Never call me again-)" 

He chuckled and said "¿O que? Te cazaré y serás mía, mi pequeña querida. No olvides lo que te ordené que me llamaras. (Or what? I will hunt you down and you will be mine, mine little darling. Don't forget what I oredered you to call me.)

I rolled my eyes and said "No." Then ended to call and turned to my brothers. I forgot it was on speaker and they heared it. I then ask "Do any of you know Spanish?" Rider and Apollo and Alessio said "I do." I nodded and say "Well-" I was cut off by the doorbell, that must be Oli. I just smiled at them and ran to the door where two guards were keeping Olivia from coming closer.

When tried to grab her, making her flinch. He looked confused. I walked over and both the guards nodded at me in respect. I then said "She's with me, never try to even hurt a hair on her head. Understand?" They both nodded, in fear and respect.

I grabbed her hand I brought her inside, all of my brothers were sitting in the living room. Which we had to pass to get to my room. When we came in, everybody turned to us and I could tell she was starting to feel un-comftarble so I say "Quit staring. Can't you see she doesn't like it?" They all went back to talking, well Xander kept staring at her and they kept eye contact. I then cleared my throat and both their cheeks turned a light pink.

I lead her to my room. When we got there she smiled at me and says  "Ok, so we have to choose a Greek goddess or god and present it in front of the class." I nodded and said "Power point?" She agreed and asks "So who?" I thought for a while and say "I'm going to count down from 3 and when I get to one we both say our favourite god/goddess." She agreed so I said "3...2...1..." And at the same time we both said "Persephone." I smirked at her and said "Persephone it is." 

Persephone- Queen of the Underworld Goddess of the dead, life, grain, and destruction. In about two hours we started to get hungry, as I was about to ask her if she wanted to go down for a snack there was a knock on the door. 

We both said "Come in." In came Xander with a few snacks and said "I brought you guys snacks, if you finish you are welcome to join us downstairs." We nodded. I noticed they didn't gave us a lot. Just an apple each, I know that Xander wants to hang with her and that the rest of my brothers want to get to know who my friend is. We looked at each other and I say "There is way better food downstairs, come on." 

She sighed but nodded, I pulled her up and we both headed downstairs. And when we got to the dining room, someone was sitting there with familiar mysterious green eyes...

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