Chapter 19

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When we get home, Ales sends me and Olivia to my room to freshen up. But ordered us to come straight to his office after we're done, well ordered me. He told Oli to just stay in my room and that she will probably already get scolded by her step-dad and that it is unnecessary for him to do it as well. Me and her each have a shower, she first and I give her something to change into then I shower and change.  Lily:


¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.


I give Oli my laptop to watch something on YouTube and head to my oldest brothers office

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

I give Oli my laptop to watch something on YouTube and head to my oldest brothers office. I don't get nervous often, but right now I'm deign of nervousness. I come to the office door all to quickly, after of course grabbing a glass of water from the kitchen and frozen strawberry juice that is on a stick, to look like ice cream. I knock on his door and hear a "Come in"

I open the door while having the 'ice cream' in my mouth and close the door, then I grab the ice cream. I sit down on one of the two chairs in front of him and place my glass on the edge of his desk. I suck on my 'ice cream' which makes a weird noise. He sighs and says "Your principle said you destroyed school property, what exactly did you do?" 

I shrug and say "Well, I was so done with the class and I needed to do something for the teacher to let me out, me being me I am to special to walk out. I forgot that she would most likely send us, meaning me and Oli to the principals office. So I made a plan, I broke both of our desks in half and you know the rest. And btw, the principle is with the American mafia and probably spying on me."

He nods taking in all the information I just told him then shouts "Wait, what?! American mafia?! How are you sure?" 

I answer "Well, he had the tattoo clearly visible on his neck. I've seen enough mafia men from the Spanish and American to know what the tattoo looks like." 

He nods, seeming a little suspicious about how I know all this. But seems more concerned with there being a spy, in a school that he owns. Did I mention that he does? Anyway, back to the present. He sends me out of the office and says that he will let it slip just this once. I go back to my room to see Olivia laying on my bed watching some cartoon on my laptop. I sit next to her making her jump. I then ask "Would you rather watch on TV?" 

She smiles softly and nods, seeming very exited. I chuckle and lay back on my bed and turn the TV that is facing my bed on. I put on a cartoon and lean back, after a while I feel something fall on my shoulder. I look down noticing Oli had fallen asleep. I smile and lay her down tucking her in. If your wondering what is going on with her little sister, well she told me that her little sister is staying at a friends house till Thursday (It's Tuesday).

After she is in, and I'm sure she is comftarble, I go to the couch on the edge of my room. I grab an extra blanket and pillow from my walk in closet. And lay down on the couch. I make sure my TV is off, I check the time on my phone and it's only half past eight, but a early night sleep never hurt anybody. As I lay down, I hope I wont have any nightmares tonight. I don't want to scare Olivia by waking her up from my screaming. I slowly close my eyes, trying to think about good things. I smile a little before drifting off into la la land.

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