Chapter 20

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I wake up breathing heavily from a flashback from when I was back in my cell. I look around when I hear a sound... It's someone sobbing? I look at Olivia and she is twisting and turning in bed and keep muttering 'stop it' and 'I'm sorry' and 'It will never happen again' and that last one 'I'll be a good girl'. I walk over to the bed and lightly shake her awake. She was going to scream but I place a finger on her lips and whisper "Hey, it's okay. I'm here, you're not there. Your safe." 

She slowly calms down and gives me a thankful smile and I return one as if to say 'your welcome'. After a while of my whispering sweet nothings into her ear she still can't fall asleep. What can I do?

What can I do?

Oh! I can get Xander, I remember when I was little how he used to know just what to do when I had nightmares. He just has this special touch after the night terrors and you barely remember them in the morning. I whisper "Wait here, I'm going to get someone who knows how to help with nightmares." 

She seems hesitant. I sigh and grab a plushie and put it in her arms. She hugs it tightly smiling a little at me, she nods and I go to Xander's room which is close to mine. I knock on his door. When he opens the door he seems like he wants to scream at me for waking him up, but when he notices it's his favourite sibling, yours truly he sighs and says, more like questions "Night terror?" 

I shake my head and say "Not me. Olivia, can you please help her? For me?" 

He shakes his head mumbling something eve my vampire hearing couldn't catch and we start walking to me room. When we get there, Olivia's eyes are red from crying and she is shacking. When she sees me she jumps out of bed and into my arms. I hug her as she cries into my shoulder and whispers "Liwly I'm scawed." 

Xander seems confused by her behaviour. I ignore him and say "Can you help, or not?" 

He nods and I make Olivia face me "I'm going to give you to Xandy now, ok? He is going to help you sleep." 

She seems frightened, I slowly pass her from my arms into his and he carefully hold her to his chest. I smile at them, this is just to cute. Xander then asks her "Would you like me to stay with you in here, or go to my room?" 

He eyes sort of lit up and she says "Cwan me see you room?" 

He chuckles and nods. She smiles and then turns to me and says "Tank u. Night Night." 

She leans her head onto his shoulder, as he is carrying her on her hip like you would usually carry a little child. I kissed her forehead and Xander's cheek then layed in my bed as they both left me room. I close my eyes again, this time not having any nightmares. With my vampire hearing I hear them talk for a little about what she likes to do and her happy thoughts and soon I hear light snoring, and then I soon hear another light snoring. Meaning they both fell asleep. 

I looked up at my roof not being able to sleep. But it's worth it, since Olivia will now be happy and won't have to worry about nightmares while sleeping. I feel the energy around the house. Everybody was sleeping, but I could feel a soul coming closer to my room. I was going to jump out of bed when my door opened and in walked none other than Dimitri. I smiled at him, but I know he noticed my confused look. I ask "What are you doing here?" 

He shrugs and says "Well, I felt the need to be here with you. I felt like, you couldn't sleep?" 

I nod at his assumption, he smiles before coming in next to me and I give him a 'what the hell are you doing?' look cause, what the hell is he doing. He then says "Cuddles?" 

I sigh, but it might help me sleep so I agree. We both lay down, my head resting on his tough chest and his strong tattooed arms wrapped around my waist as I go into a world where everything is 'perfect' but right now, I love my life the way it is. With my family, Olivia and everyone. I feel a light kiss on my forehead before I'm out like a light.

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