Chapter 9 - Drama Queen

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We headed to the theatre where drama class was held. I chose drama cause I don't want to join the outfit making thingy and I can't cook, not won't or don't, I can't. Last time I tried, let's say we had to get a new house. Oli told me she just doesn't enjoy cooking but can when she wants to and she can't make an outfit to save her life. That's how we both got to learning some lines to a play and being very dramatic. This class also had many different years in it, since there isn't enough students in one of the years for a whole play. 

"Ok students, I'm your new drama teacher since your last one got into a traffic accident. I'm Mrs Britch." 

She was tall, but not as tall as me. I tower over her 5,8 figure with my 5'10 one. She had bright make up all over her face, making her sort of look like a clown. She was wearing very colourful clothes, and was smiling like I thought was never possible. Even Oli seemed creeped out b her constant smile. I looked around and noticed that Dimitri  and Xander were in this class. 

Mrs Britch than says "Todays theme is Romeo in Juliet, I'll give you each a paper with lines from a part on it that you will practice with a partner I will choose, every girl will be Juliet and every boy Romeo. I will choose who is who and the best performance will be on stage in two months. You guys know we have this class only every other week, once a week. So practice till next time." 

There were grunts cause we weren't aloud to choose our partner. I whisper to Olivia "What if I put my hood up and pretend to be a boys, would you be my Juliet?"

 She giggled and said "Nah, let's see who we're pared with. If we don't like them, we can just... ask the teacher for someone else and tell them that our partner is not doing anything." 

We nod at each other as the teacher pulls a har from I have no idea where. And says "So I got all of girls names in this hat and..." 

She pulls out another hat. What the hell?! And continues "All of the boys names in this one."

She puts both hats on the little table and we all circle around here and she says "I'm quite sure you know what I'm going to do now, just pull a name out of each of the hats and whoever I pull out your partner is the one from the other hat I pull out at the same time." 

She started pulling names out of the hat and there were some cheers and some disagreeing yells. After a while she says "Lily and Dimitri, Olivia and Xander, Sophie and Josh-" 

Omfg, I'm with Dimitri. I will admit he is hot, but my brothers best friend... Really? But I am so happy that Oli and Xander are together, it makes it easer to get my ship to sail. Yay! I walk over to Dimitri and say "We live in the same house, practice after lunch. See ya." 

And I walk away, since the class is almost finished and walk over to Olivia and Xander who both seem to nervous to say anything so I say "Olivia, hey can you come to our house after lunch. Since we don't have any classes after lunch today and we can all practice together since that's when I'm practicing with Dimitri." 

They both just nod I sigh Oli then says "I gotta go to the bathroom, see ya soo." 

She waves at us and leaves. When she does I turn to a half blushing Xander and say "My brother has a crush on my best friend. Oh my god! You two are perfect, you'll date and I'm already planning the wedding and oh, your kids would be soooo cute." 

He blushed a deep crimson, I giggled and he says "No, that won't ever happen." 

I roll my eyes and say "If it doesn't, I'll die out of pure heart ache." 

I clutch my chest for affect and slowly fall to the floor with my eyes closed, when nothing happens I look up to see him looking at me like I was crazy and says "Drama Queen." 

I chuckle and say "I knew you knew how good I can be in this class and will totally have better grades than you."   

He just rolls his and I say "Won't you help your little sister up?" He looks away.

I pout and threaten "If you don't, you won't be one of my favourite brothers anymore. I'll just replace you with Xavier." 

He quickly came down and pulled me up, then placed me on his hip like a little kid and says "No, no I'm your favourite brother. Always was, always will be." 

I giggle while he pouts and I say "Of course you are my favourite brother, if you weren't one of my favs who would I complain about early morning about with?" 

He smiled and pecked my head, then put me down and furrowed his eyebrows and says "You said 'I will die of heart ache' is it possible for you to die?" 

I shrugged and said "One thing, not telling. Now let's go to the last classes before lunch since the bell is about to ring." 

As I said that the bell rung and we split, Olivia came out of the bathroom soon after an we both headed to our next class together. Math, yay! Not. 

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