Pool party.

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After recalling embarrassing moments of last night, we all went into the living room and sat down. Avery pulled me into his lap, and Lance sat beside him so my legs dangled in his lap. He's been running his finger in slow motions on my ankle, it's rather soothing but it's alot to think about. Two boyfriends. I don't really know how this will work, is if a take turns kind of thing orrr. I'm zoning out, trying to read a book on my kindle and failing miserably. My mind is reeling. Landon and Rachel are snuggled up on the love seat and Maverick left to get food. So it's just us, and I don't even know what to do with myself.
A text comes in from Rachel.
Rach: Make him work for it.
I glance at her, she's smiling and Avery looks like he might pass back out on the couch. I kiss his cheek, he mumbles something incoherent. I drop my legs from Lance's lap and walk out the back doors. Kind of feeling a swim
Nat: I'm going to jump in the pool. Wanna come?
Rach: nah girl. I'll send Lance out there though. *winky face emoji*
Nosey ass. I drop my phone onto the chair, and pull my hair up in a high pony, before dropping my legs in the water. I sit on the side, legs dangling and I way back. Soaking in the suns rays. The heat feels nice, I'm glad I don't feel like shit anymore.
I feel him before he speaks, he sits beside leaning back in his hands.
"It's nice out right now." I say to him.
"Yeah, it is." Lance responds. His tone rough, that deep baritone voice.
"Do we need to talk about it,Lance?"
I ask while moving myself into the water. I go to where I'm treading in front of him. Putting myself between his legs.
"If you want to, I already told you I was wrong, that I was sorry. What more do you want me to say?" He says leaning forward off his hands. He places his forearms on his thighs to get closer to me.
"I mean, I guess that's fair. But like, why the issues with Avery if you were willing to share me in the first place?" I inquire, bracing my hands on the pools edge.
"Because, he was supposed to wait. He was supposed to wait until we thought mutually you could handle it. He always said he thought you could. Apparently, night one for him was enough for him to see it."
He blows out a breath. "I didn't think it was fair to you, if I'm honest. You seemed like you were running. Like you needed time. I didn't want to push you into something you weren't ready for. Above all else, I protect my people. Those dumbasses In that house are my people. I didn't know you, I didn't know what you wanted and I didn't want drama"
He says.
"I get that, I do. You protect them at all costs. They are your family. I'm grateful to be considered apart of that now. Never really had much of one beside Aaron. He's probably the only consistent I have ever had until Jase. So I understand."
Lance scoffs. "Aaron wants your in pants".
I laugh. "We've been down that road and it was waaay too weird. Nothing to be worried about there" I shrug.
Backing away from Lance, i lay back so that I can float on the water, but his voice calls to me.
"Down that road before huh?" his tone is light, mocking even.
"Yeah. We were each other's first kisses, and it was disgustingly awful." I giggle at the memory.
"Ah. Inexperienced. No wonder." Lance says closer now. I hear the splash of the water. He's getting in the pool. Fucking hell.
I close my eyes, enjoying the relaxing water. The sun. Florida was the best decision I could've ever made.
Lances shadow cover the sunlight. I peek at him.
"Yes?" I say imploringly.
Lance grabs me under my legs and under my back, effectively picking me up. I place my arms around his neck. "Yes?" I ask again. He says nothing, but puts me to where I'm standing in the more shallow portion. "You are so incredibly beautiful" he whispers. I melt. Just a little.
"Thank you, that's high praise coming from the Greek god standing in front of me." I say with a laugh. Lance smiles at me. He wraps both arms around my waist and pulls me closer to him.
I don't resist, mainly because I've been waiting for this moment for what feels like ten years.
"Kiss me." I whisper. He smiles slightly, glances at my lips and then back to my eyes. I'm rendered speechless staring at those hypnotic blue eyes.
He lowers his head and right as his lips graze mine, Avery's voice calls out.
"Guys, foods here!" I jump out of Lances arms and turn toward the voice. Avery laughs and Lance is scowling at him.
"You ruined the moment dickhead!" Lance half yells at him, moving up behind me. I chuckle at him. Lance cocks a brow at me.
"Oh is that funny to you?" He says.
I nod "do you want to know what's funnier??" I ask. Lance looks at me skeptically. Smart boy. I'm being a shithead and he should be curious but cautious.
He shakes his head."I don't think I do. You have that look about you" I smile, turning in his arms. The arms that are so warm, so alluring.
Without warning I jump onto Lance and knock us back into the deeper side of the water. When we both resurface, I'm laughing. And he's looking at me like I'm crazy, but there is a ghost of a smile playing on those pretty lips.
"Oh, you want to play huh?" He asks.
I give him a cocky little grin. "I always like to play." I say swimming further from him. "Catch me if you can!" I shout before I take off diving under the water and going in the opposite direction of the house.
I'm almost the the fair edge of the pool when Lance grabs me by my ankle and pulls me to him, he's got me right in front of him. But I'm not done playing, I like games. I get closer, wrapping my legs around his waits and my arms around his neck. Lance stiffens.
"Awh. Lance, don't tell me your uncomfortable." I say in a mocking tone. He shakes his head at me.
"No siren, I'm not uncomfortable. You're just in a T-shirt and it's white. I can see your boobs and I'm debating if I could pull off taking you right here."
I shudder at the intensity, feeling that familiar warmth pool in my belly. Fucking hell.
I grind against him, feeling him hardening beneath me.
"You saw my boobs, yesterday." I say simply. Trying to mask my interest in what he said. But I fail and my words sound breathy. He tilts his head as if he's thinking something. A devilish grin spreads across his lips, "I did, and I wanted to play with them then."
Oh. Oh. I smile a little, leaning close to his. I flick my eyes up to his and then to his lips again. His groan is audible as I catch my bottom lip between my teeth. He grips my hip with one hand and slides his other up my back to cup my neck. He pulls me closer to where our lips are a breath part and i can't fucking take it anymore.
I slide my tongue across his bottom lip and feel his relive fade as he crashes those lips onto mine.
Our lips move in sync with one another. Tongues tangling, teeth grazing it's hot. He's hot. This is hot. I'm dying. Lance brings me as close to him as he can and I can feel his very hard cock poking me through my panties. Fucking hell, he is big. He moves the hand from my neck and drags it down to knead my breast. His fingers trailing the nipple and tugging on it. I moan lightly, and arch into his touch.
He keeps playing with my breast as his other hand slides down my stomach until it rest against my panties. Adding slight pressure to my aching center. I gasp lightly, as he effectively uses his fingers to bring me close to the edge. He moves us to where we're positioned with my back to the wall. I open my eyes, as he trails kisses down my neck and see Avery watching the interaction with intense desire flaring in his eyes. I can see the hard outline of his dick pressing against his sweats, suddenly it's hard to breath. Lance continues rubbing my clit, as I get closer. I move into him rubbing myself against his hard cock. He groans into my neck, and I moan as me speeds up. Avery angles himself is only in can see him as he take slut his hard cock, grips it and smears the bead of moisture on the top, he stocks it lovingly as he watches me get fingered. Lance finally dips an actual finger inside me and I convulse as his starts to pump into me, while still rubbing my clit. Moaning a little louder I don't take my eyes off of Avery as I watch his struck his dick. I want him too. I want him in my mouth. Right now. But fuck. I'm so. God. I'm close. "Fuck" I breathe as I drop my head back.
"Cum for me,Keep your eyes on Avery so he can watch you cum on my fingers" I didn't even realize he knew he was still there. Avery speeds up and my breathing follows his. My orgasm breaks free, and I moan loudly. Avery's grunt fills the air right behind mine, and Lance looks so fucking please with himself. I look back at Lance who kisses me softly this time, I can feel the smile on his lips. "Still wanna play games with me, siren?" He asks against my lips. I nod. "Always."

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