Avery's room.

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Avery and I went up to his room shortly after Lance walked away. Landon and Rachel ran off to so couple things. Last time I checked Mav was still making out with the random blonde I saw downstairs.
Avery walked into the room with me following close behind.
When we both got into the room he shit the door and locked it.
"Do you want to talk about what Lance said to you in the kitchen? Or are we going to ignore it?" Avery asked walking to the dresser.
I sat down on the edge of the bed and let out an annoyed sigh.
"I don't know man, he apologized for the concert thing. Again. But an apology doesn't take away what he said. Of course he doesn't know that it bothered me the way it did, and I won't ever admit to it. But he was jealous. Jealous, Avery. Jealous that you kissed me, but if he was into me why didn't he make a move? Like I don't understand" I threw my hands up. Avery stepped closer to the bed with a T-shirt in hand. Wordlessly, he handed it to me. I took it and laid it beside me.
"Nat, Lance has issues. Like he's into things that would really throw you off. I'm in to the same things, it's just that he doesn't think you can handle it and he won't change it for anything. So he's really picky about who he looks at situationally speaking. I promise you the attraction is there, I promise he is into you. He just doesn't want to scare you off. You're the first person Rachel has been close to in a long time and he doesn't want to hurt her"
I nodded. I get trying to protect the ones you love. Hell, I'm trying to protect myself.
"I guess. But it's whatever. I'm not going to trip out over a dude who hasn't had the balls to make a move." Even though I am frustrated because as much as I hate to admit it, Lance intrigues the fuck out of me.
"But I don't want to talk about him Avery." I slipped my shoes off. Then my socks. I went to go stand up and take my shirt off, but Avery stepped in front of me "let me help with that."
I rolled my eyes but a small grin peeked out. Like the obedient little girl he wanted me to be, I put my hands above my head. Waiting.
His eyes flushed with heat as he traced the hem of my shirt and slid it up my stomach slowly he let his fingers graze my chest, over the stiffened peaks that stood at attention. Goosebumps spread across my arms. He was teasing me. What a shit. But a very, very hot shit. Avery slipped my shirt the rest of the way off, dropping his fingers to the wits band of my pants. He flicked his eyes to mine, in silent question. I have a small smile before nodding. Expert fingers popped open the button, as he sank to his knees in front of me. What a sight that is. A Strong, beautiful man on his knees. I can get used to be worshipped. The power rush was emboldening, and I damn near wanted to take him as mine forever. He looked up at me with such reverence it was intoxicating. His fingers slid into the waist band as he start sliding them down my tips. Again, intentionally grazing those fingers down the outside of my thighs. He followed that trail until he cupped my behind the knee and lifted my foot slightly to pull the fabric over my foot, then he repeated the motion. He stood once I was in just a bra and thong, his breathing a little more ragged.
"You're a little over dressed, Avery." I grinned at him stepping closer. Deciding he wasn't the only whose touch could ignite fire. I grabbed the hem of his shirt, while he placed his hands on my bare hips, dragging his finger across the string on the thong. He knew exactly what he was doing, but instead of being shy about it, I knew what to do. Jase was never interested in the things I wanted to try. So maybe, I'd luck out.
Intentionally grazing my fingers up his defined abs I pulled the shirt off, getting closer to his lips I said "I like seeing you on your knees for me" he sucked in a sharp breath before he gave me a smug grin "oh you like that power rush huh?" I smiled and then cocked my head to the side "do you? Why don't we find out?" He bunched his brows, as I sank to my knees the expression smoothed out to pure male satisfaction from seeing me kneel before him. I could see the bulge in his pants from where I was at. But he wanted to play, so play we would.
I slipped my fingers to this pants and started unbuttoning them as I sank on to my knees, pulling his pants down freed enough of his erection that I could see the full outline in his boxers. I looked up at him, but he had his eyes closed. I saw the opportunity and I took it. Bringing my torso forward I slid down his boxers and licked him from base to tip, but I never let my eyes drift from looking up at him. His eyes snapped open the second my tongue touched him. His exhale was rough.
But his look was encouraging, so we continue our teasing game. I flicked my tongue against the tip again, feeling giddy as I watched his body tense. Two can play baby. Leaning forward again I took him in my mouth, and slid him down my throat as much as I could. What I couldn't cover with my mouth I made up for with my hand. Drawing him back out and then back in, slowly. "Nat..." he whispered but it sounds breathy and more like a prayer. Fuck, this is hot. He is hot. I sped up slightly and I got the sudden flash of excitement again as I heard him say "fuck" mid suck he grabbed both of my arms and lifted my up, crashing his lips onto me. We kissed feverishly, he pulled me as close as he could with my chest to his. Drawing his hand behind my back he unlatched my bra, letting it fall he kissed down my neck, backing us up toward the bed. As soon as the backs of my knees hit the bed he sucked a nipple into his mouth swirling his tongue around it. A whimper escaped me, but I clamped it down a little embarrassed.
"Don't you dare, Natasha. Don't you dare hide your moans from me. I want to hear them. I want to hear you beg for me." He said flicking my nipple and then switching to the other one. My face flushed. Jase hated if I was loud, so I always clamped it down.
Avery moved his mouth to between my breasts, and hovered his lips down my stomach stopping above my belly ring, before flicking it with his tongue. He continued his down trajectory until his lips grazed the inner part of my hip bone, he chuckled and placed a kiss on my clover tattoo. Continuing down until his nose sat at my panty line, he glanced up with hooded eyes before speaking again in that gruff voice, laced with sexual desire. "You like to tease me, let's see if you like being teased then?"
He slid my thong down my legs, and opens them up wide. With a devilish grin he brought his mouth down to my pussy and slid his tongue from the apex to my clit. For a whole five seconds I couldn't breath and my hips bucked at the attention. Avery clamped an arm down to anchor me and he licked up to my clit again, but staying on the sensitive bundle of nerves. Crying out, I dug my hands into that sandy blonde hair, and gripped it like I was dying. He kept licking and sucking until I couldn't take it, my legs starting shaking, breaths quickened and then he slipped a finger inside me to caress my g-spot and my world erupted in the first orgasm of my life.
Holy shit. I looked back at Avery who was oozing male pride, he climbed back up my body intentionally dragging himself against me until his lips smashed with mine. I could taste his whiskey and myself in his tongue. It was enough to get me drunk. He settled between my legs without breaking the kiss, slid his hand down my body and swept his dick through my wet center. But not entering. I moaned again. He went to do it again, but I shifted so he would get closer and he smiled through our kiss. Without an warning he slammed in to the hilt. I cried out "fuck".
"Jesus Christ, you're so tight"
I mumbled something, I can't even tell you what.
He was giving me time to adjust since it had been awhile for me.
"For the love of fuck Avery, start moving" he laughed lightly.
Without a money a hesitation he slid out and then back in, until we were in a punishing rhythm that my body was not accustomed too, but my god I was living for it.
Avery grabbed my left leg and put it on hi shoulder slipping his way back in at an angle that should've been illegal he continued his pounding. Moans filled the room and the pressure built in me, high and high until I burst. My second orgasm came and it was rough than the first. I was pretty sure I was seeing stars.
"Avery, oh my god"
"I know baby, hold on"
He brought up my other leg and held me there as he continued until he rode out his orgasm.
We collapsed into a heap of limbs in the bed. Breathing heavy, hearts racing. So that's what good sex can be like.
I glanced over at Avery, who had a blissful smile on his face. Rolling toward him i through and arm over his chest and placed a kiss to his cheek.
"That was intense." I whispered.
He laughed darkly, "but good yeah?"
"Phenomenal" I dropped my head onto the pillow and before I knew it I was far away in dream land.

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