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"So let me get this straight when you don't read porn, you listen to it?"Avery said laughing. I dropped my head into my hands with a groan. "I mean, I guess. Also. It's called smut. Thank you." I mumbled.
Avery laughed again "are you embarrassed?" I can literally hear the smile in his voice, and I hate him for it. "How long have you been reading books like this?" I shrugged. "Maybe a few years. I used to do it less frequently. Jase always gave me shit for wanting to read all the time. But when I get sucked in, I cant come out until it's over. Meaning until I've finished the book or series." Shrugging, I laid my head back onto his naked chest. Snuggling into his warmth, the scent of smoke and bad decisions filling my nostrils. " why didn't he like you reading?"
"I guess it's because I was more interested in being in book land, than in my reality. I don't think I realized how unhappy I was until I left him. But it became painfully clear that he didn't actually love me, he loved what I added to him. I was basically the most coveted toy in the school. He just got me first, so I never went anywhere else, it was a power play on his part. Him keep me, while screwing other girls but leaving me completely alienated from anyone else who might show interest in me". Avery's muscles tensed as he put an arm down my back to rest on my stomach. I continued on " I think the books filled me with a sense of romance that I didn't get in real life, and I loved the idea of a man wanting you and you alone. Wanting the main character more than he needed to breathe. As if she was his air. I loved the idea of someone being that invested in me. He never was, so I just took what I got from the books." With a sigh, I added "now that I think about it that's actually really depressing."
"It is, it really is. But not because of why you think. It's depressing that you spent two years of your life loving someone who never deserved you in the first place. It's depressing that you hated your life so much that you had to escape your reality. But more than anything, it's depressing that you didn't even realize you needed more because you didn't understand what you were missing" Avery said.
To say I'm shocked that the playboy in my bed could say something that deep is an understatement. "You want to know what makes it worse?" I asked propping myself how so I could look at him. He arched a brow in question. "Jase messaged me yesterday, and instead of apologizing or anything. He asked me who you were. Because he checked my bio." Avery's mouth twisted into an evil little smirk. " so he's jealous, huh? That's funny isn't it? Please tell me you told him about how you like riding my cock at night." Laughing, I shook my head "Nah. I told him that it's not his business and to fuck off"
Avery mock frowned "you should have told him I gifted you, your first orgasm." Smiling at his possessive attitude, I shook my head.
"Are you going to stay with me tonight?" I asked hesitantly.
"Yes baby, I didn't see you at all today. I'll stay. My week is packed, so I might not be able to see you again for a few days."
Oh. Well that sucks, but did he come over here looking to fuck me so he could get some before he went without? I really hope not.
Avery pulled me a little closer, pressing a soft kiss on my lips, twining his hand into my hair. He released me "I won't do what he did to you, I promise." I nodded shifting myself to lay back down "I know." We fell asleep shortly after, I slept very well. When I woke up Avery was gone and Rachel was still nowhere to be seen. I'm surprised we didn't have sex last night but I honestly think that makes me like him even more. Grabbing my phone, I glance at the time it read 9:08am. Thankfully todays class starts at 11, so I've got time. Opening up my texts I see a message from Rachel.
Rach: Hey baby. Sorry I left last night. I thought you might want some alone time, I know I did. *winking emoji* but. I'll be back before 10:30, and will def have coffee.
*5 minutes later.*
Nat: okay.
Opening my instagram, I see random posts. Nothing special. Picture of Landon and Rachel. Cute. Lance posted a picture with him and Avery before the morning practice. Still nothing of importance. When I flick down again, I see a picture of me asleep, shirtless laying on a smiling Avery's chest. Captioned my favorite girl. I'm tagged in it, so it's popping up on my social as well. Shockingly, Jase has seen and liked the picture. I know why Avery posted that, he was proving a point. I can't even really be mad at him, shit starter. Rolling my eyes, I open up a the comment thread and type "I guess I'll let this slide, since your my favorite guy. *kiss emoji*"
Closing out my apps, I pull up Avery's contact and hit call. He answers on the second ring. "Good morning princess." Mhmm go ahead. Butter me up. "Good morning Avery. I see you've been busy". He must have me on speaker because I hear Landon and Mav laughing In the background. "He's been busy alright. You're shit ass ex-boyfriend tried to report his photo." Lance said. "He did WHAT?" I half yelled. The guys started laughing again, before Avery's voice cut through. "Don't worry about it baby, I took care of him. He won't bother us anymore. Promise"
Oh dear god. "Avery, what did you do?"
"Eeeehh. All I did was send him a picture of all the guys, and told him to leave you alone of he will get his ass best. Period."
Smiling despite myself I said " well aren't you guys so sweet" mocking tone included. "We try sweet cheeks." Mav responded.
"Y'all are a mess. I gotta get ready for class. Behave"
A loud chorus of "byes" rung out before I hung up the phone.
That was the last time I spoke to the guys until Saturday.
Tuesday to Friday went by super fast. We had papers written, research done, quizzes given and possibly failed. But who knows in the end. The boys have an away game tonight, so Rachel and I haven't gotten to see any of them since Monday evening. She will spend all of Saturday with them, but I won't come in til later. To say I'm excited is a downplay. But it is what it is. I plan to get my nails done before Saturday night. So I'll probably spend the first have of the day pampering myself so I can look spot on when I get to the club. Rachel already set me the address so, we will see how it goes.

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