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"Do I even want to know why you are in Avery's clothing right now?" Rachel asks me as I slide into the barstool. My cheeks burn with embarrassment. "Uh. I may or may not have been included in a scene." Rachel smiles, "I'm fucking with you, I already know. Your show took over the flatscreens in the building. Everyone was watching." Rachel said simply.
"I'm sorry, what the fuck did you just say?" I shout. Eyes widening to the point of bursting. She giggles but nods, giving me a knowing smirk. "Kinda bummed I never gave Avery a run. That shit was like scorching hot." I flashed her a small smile. "He is a very skilled lover." I look down at my hands. She grips my cheeks. "No ma'am. Don't puss out. Own that shit. You were hot. Avery was hot. All of it was fucking hot. I'm willing to bet Lance came his pants watching." She let's go of my face and grabs two shot glass filling both up with with silver patron.
"Speaking of your brother, he basically asked me if I would be willingly to sleep with him and Avery." I said. Rachel smirked a shithead look on her face. "I have been waiting for him to ask you. I'm surprised it took this long." She says slowly.
"I'm sorry, what? You knew they shared women?"
Rachel's grin is plastered on her face. "Yeah. I know. They only done it with a couple of girls. "
Well that's new. "And they are both okay with sharing a woman?" Rachel's smile is sheepish. "Yeah, it's kind of a thing we do. In our friend circle. I know that sounds weird. But I've had two boyfriends at once, and there was one point all the guys had one girlfriend they shared too. They're all comfortable with it. None of us make a big deal of it. Landon actually, asked if he could have two girlfriends before you and Avery started sleeping together. He wanted me to ask you about it but I didn't think you'd be up for it."
I blanched "Landon thinks I'm hot?" I whisper.
Rachel let's out a full sensual laugh "oh baby, you have much to learn. The whole group thinks your hot. Same with me, minus Lance of course because that's fucking weird." She shrugs.
"I'm sorry. Wait. Landon wanted to date someone aside from you? He is like completely in love with you." She nodded still smiling at me.
"He is. But we both think you're stunning. And I know your heart which makes you even more beautiful. So yeah. He considered it. We discussed it, but ultimately we decided you weren't ready for it and should let Avery make his move. I mean the poor dude had wanted to ask you out for awhile. And even though, Lance refuses to acknowledge it. He has too." She picks up her shot as I grab mine, we clink glasses and shoot it.
"I'm gonna need more liquor for this." I mumble.
Rachel laughs.
I spot a small ear piece in her ear. And her brow furrowed. "Landon thinks you should do it."
"He's talking to you through that ear piece?" She nods. Feeling a little frisky I lean over the counter toward her ear pieces and put a finger to my lips so she will quite. "Hey Lan?" I say sweetly. You can hear a muttered "oh fuck" come across the ear piece. Rachel covers her mouth to stop laughing. "Yes, little trouble?" He asks. Rachel's eyes glitter with mischief. She knows I'm going to do something and she's on board. I love her. "You want me to fuck Lance and Avery, right?" He coughs out. "Uh yeah?"
He says quietly. "So, what if I wanted to fuck you and Rach instead?" I ask in a sugary sweet voice. Rachel's eyes bulge. But she's grinning. We're both waiting on Landon's response.
"I am definitely not okay with you doing that, unless I can watch." Avery's voice cuts through the speaker on the ear piece. You can hear shuffling and Avery saying ' ow '.  "Little trouble, indeed." Landon rasps. Rachel and I start laughing. "Oh you fuckers were toying with me!" Landon says in an amused voice. "Should I punish her for her bad behavior too, Rachel?" Rachel bites her lip, but she's grinning. "I'm going back to work now, be good jolly." Rachel says as she pours us another round. We smile at one another. "He's so gonna give me shit for that later" she laughs.
"I'm sorry?" I ask. She shakes her head at me. "Don't be. I like when he's wound up." She giggles grabbing our next set of shots. We clanks them and drink.
"Keep then coming babe. I want to be well and drunk before Avery takes me away" I say. Her grin is devilish. "Bet."
After about an hour and 10 shots later I am fully drunk. Rachel and I have been laughing our asses off at any and everyone. Talking about pros and cons of two boyfriends. Wait. Boyfriends? I don't even have a singular one. Maybe Avery is my boyfriend. Kind of. I'll ask him. "Rachel." I say. She looks at me, with a raised brow. " Do you think Avery would be my boyfriend?" I ask as quietly as a drunk woman can.
"Do you want him to be?" She asks.
" I think so." I nod.
She grins, "what about Lance?" She asks.
"Well. I guess if he wants to be my boyfriend too, he can be" I shrug.
"Well, that's a relief." Someone says. I look toward the voice and see none other than Lance standing there with a scowl on his handsome face.
"Nosy man" I mumble. Rachel giggles. Lances scowl deepens. I stand up on swaying feet and walk over to him. I put my hands sloppily on his forehead and smooth out his brows. "You're too pretty to make that face." I say quietly. Lances face softens a fraction. "You are very drunk." He says with a small smile. I nod impishly. "Very". I go to back away, but he snakes an arm around my waist. "So I can be your boyfriend, huh?" He asks lightly. I nod again. "And Avery can too?" He adds. I nod once more.
"You're okay with that?" He asks skepticism clear in his voice.
"As of right now, that answer is a resounding yes. Ask me again tomorrow, when I'm sober." I say with a smile. Lance drops his arm from my waist, and pulls out his phone.
I walk back to the bar but I'm not there long before a kiss is pressed to my cheek. Avery's smell engulfs me. I sink back into his warmth. "Hi baby" I say. Avery turns my chair to face him. One eyebrow raised. "Baby?" He asks. I nod at him a smile in place. He grins back. "Little trouble is wasted, come on I'll take you home." He says scooping me into his warm arms. Turning he leads us out of the building.
It's in this moment I realize, I could fall in love with him. While nestled into his arms I look at his handsome face, "Avery?" I say.
" yes baby?" He asks.
I have literally put this man's penis in my mouth why the fuck am I nervous. "Remember how you said, this could be a casual thing unless I wanted more?" I ask. He glances at me, and then nods.
"I think... I think I want the more side now." I stutter out. Avery stops walking, sets me down by the passenger side of his jeep. I'm getting really tired so I lean against the door. Avery gets close to me, moving my hair out of my face. Cupping my cheek he says "what does that mean?" Hmm. Okay. Going straight for it.
" it means that I want you to be my boyfriend." I say a little breathlessly. Avery laughs quietly. " I thought I already was?" I smile, leaning up to press a small kiss on his lips. "Take me to whoever's you'll be tonight. I missed you. I'd rather wake up to you there." I say against his lips. Avery nods. "I can do that."

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