The dorms.

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When I got back to mine and Rachel's room, I immediately got in the shower. I took my sweet time soaking in the hot water and relaxing. Once I got out, I put on my favorite pair of silk pjs, and climbed into my bed, picking up my kindle I started scrolling through the options I had. I settled on 'From Blood and Ash', took the bottle of win out of the mini fridge and poured myself a glass.
One of my favorite past times that Jase hated I did, was how involved I got in my books. He used to criticize my tastes in books, bitch me out for reading when he would rather me pay attention to him, even though he just sat on his phone, or watched football on the Tv. Now that I sit there and think about it, I don't really know why I stayed in that relationship so long. He was obviously not a good match. I like fantasy, romance, love, games. Fun things. And he was always so boring. The only time he even put off some sense of normalcy was when we went to parties together. He would play the part of a doting boyfriend. Always touching me, a hand on my thigh, arm around my shoulders... but now that I really think about it, I think he was laying claim. Showing everyone who I belonged to. And god, I was desperate. So desperate I took those bread crumbs of affection like they were enough. I happily accepted half-assed affections because I was too blind to see the truth. He didn't love me. He didn't care at all. He liked that I added to his popularity. We were the 'it' couple. Everyone wanted to be us. I always got told I was out of his league, but I ignored it. I ignored his mediocre dick, the shit kisses, his cheating; which now that I sit here thinking about it I am almost positive it wasn't the first time.
I growled. I was so stupid. Stop thinking about it Natasha. He isn't worth your thoughts. Not worth the tears, and certainly not worth the heartbreak. With that last feeling thought, I focused on my kindle and began reading.
I got so enveloped in this book, I lost track of time completely. I only realized it was dark outside because I had to turn on the lights in the room. Rachel still wasn't home. I had no messages from any of them and I was a little confused to say the least. On a plus side, my back didn't hurt too bad and I only had to wait til the end of the week before I could take the wrapping off my tattoo. I stepped into the bathroom and took off my shirt. Places my back in front of the mirror and held up my phone to take a picture of it. After I got my shirt back on, I looked over the tattoo and it was so freaking pretty. I'm so happy with it. Avery was definitely right that it would be hot. Without second guessing myself, I redownloaded my socials and posted the imagine on my instagram, captioned the picture with a moon emoji, posted it. When I decided to start scrolling, I noticed my follower count was waaay higher than expected. When I deleted the app, I had about 7 thousand. I know had 52k. I had a ton of tag notifications from the video, and because I hate myself I opened the video, that held a shocking 2.4 million views.
My gosh. People really do love drama huh?
Ignoring the comments and other similar videos, I went to my instagram bio and changed what it said too. Now it said Tampa Bay with a sun emoji. Friend groups are killer. Added a wink in there. My final piece because I know he will say something to me about it later is 'Avery has a nice ass'. I don't really know why I put it up there, actually yes I do. I want him to text me and this is my subtle way of telling him too. I'm a mess. Dickmatized. Definitely.
I closed my phone back out, sitting it down when Rachel walked in the door. She looked a tad bit down. But didn't say anything.
"You good baby?" I asked her. She looked up at me, gave a small smile and then shook her head. I got up and crossed the room to stand in front of her. Tilting her face to look at me. "What happened?" She shook her head again as tears trekked down her cheeks. I brought her into my arms and held her there as she cried her beautiful little heart out. "Is it Landon? Did he do something?" She shook her head an sniffled. "No. My dad is just putting a lot of pressure on the guys. Saying they've been goofing off too much and that they need to straighten up. He has had Avery and Lance helping him with his club business for a couple of years. But he's recruiting Landon and Maverick in. Which should be a good thing. It is, in a way but he refuses to let me. Says it's not safe for me and as his daughter he doesn't want me there" oh. Dad drama. Well I relate-ish. "I'm sorry. What does that mean for the guys though? And why can't you, if they can?" She shook her head again. "I don't know. That's what I don't get" hmmm. "Maybe you should talk to him one on one, and feel him out. If you want a job surely he can let his own daughter bartend like once a week right?" She looked up at me and I swear I saw the light bulb flash in her eyes, as her idea took hold. "That's a great idea! I bet I can get him to let me work on Saturday evenings. That's when he will have the guys too. Something about managing and security. Plus if I'm there, and the guys are too then he will know I'll be safe." I nodded smiling at her. "Yes, definitely. Why kind of club does your dad own? Just like a public one anyone can get into or is it like invite only?" I asked. Rachel took a step back from me "it's kind of like invite only. It's the elite side of Tampa. Like mayors, lawyers, doctors, so on." 
"Oh, so I couldn't go?" I asked. Rachel's eyes glittered with mischief. "Oh yeah dude. You could definitely go, but it's formal style for those watching. Which is what you'd need to do first. Some of the events get a little wild, you'd need to feel it out some before you into participating" my nose scrunched together, and my eyebrow a dig in. "Events? Like parties?" Her smile grew, she nodded again.
"Okay. I'm down. You talk your dad into it and I'll be there in your first Saturday."
She jumped onto her bed and pulled her phone out putting it on speaker.
"Hello" an older male voice answered. 
"Hey daddy." Rachel chirped.
"What's up baby, I'm doing paperwork."
She let out a resolved breath and said "Okay so here's the deal, you've got the guys managing  and covering security on Saturdays, and I want to be involved dad. I'm not a little girl anymore, I'm an adult. And I know. Okay I know I'll always be your little girl and that's true. But I have a proposal for you, sir."
An amused laugh, sounded form the other side of the phone and we shared a smile. So I'm guessing this is going well.
"Proceed Miss Hastings."
Rachel's smile beamed in the room. "Right. So my proposal is that when all of the guys are in. So every Saturday, I'd like to bartend the evening shift. Obviously between all of them, and you floating around nobody would dare mess with me. Not to mention I'll have a head piece in. So, I can communicate if need be."
Mr. Hastings took a breath, and responded "Fine. But Rachel. This is a trial. Our club hosts many... um. Many parties. You know this. You will stay behind and that bar and go nowhere else. I don't care if the president himself requests you. Understood?"
"Yes daddy. I understand. What time do I need to be there?"
I don't think I've ever seen her look so happy and dammit if it was contagious. I'm a little jealous that her and her dad have a good relationship seeing as both of my parents can't really be bothered to check in on me.
"Shift starts at 5. I'll have a uniform for you and everything. You'll train for about a week before you can go on your own."
"Thanks dad. I love you."
"Love you more kitten, be good"
The call ended and Rachel jumped up and down screaming for a solid two minutes. I sat on my bed waiting for her to chill out. So much damn energy this girl has.
"Dude this is such a big deal. I'm so excited!"
"I can tell! Congratulations!" We smiled at each other. "OH! Nat" I looked over at her from my bed. "Yes?"
She arches a brow but said "Do not under ANY circumstances tell the guys your going Saturday. Don't say a word. Not about me bartending or anything. It'll be a surprise to see you there. If they even recognize you that is. It's masquerade themed so get a cute mask and a formal dress."
Why can't I tell them I wonder. Maybe they wouldn't want me to go, I mean I'm not family. "Okay. I won't say a word."
After roughly two hours of online shopping I found a super cute black lace mask. It only covers from my eyebrows to the tip of my nose. But it's cute. And I love it. It'll arrive to the dorms on Wednesday. Tomorrow I'll go pick up the dress after my AM classes. Since this is supposed to be a secret the guys can't know. Mission impossible. I am a secret agent.
Rachel passed out about an hour ago, and I'm starving. I looked in the fridge and grabbed a pre made protein shake. Meal replacement. It's cheating. But it's fine. Once I drank it I picked up my phone seeing I had a private message on Instagram.
Jase: who is Avery.
Nat: none of your business. Get out of my inbox. Immediately. We're not friends. We don't talk. We are nothing. You are nothing. Have a great night.
Jase: Awh. Babe. I always did like when you talked dirty to me.
Nat: that's gross. Fuck off.
Can you say blocked because so fucking can. The audacity of him. "Whose Avery" bitch. Nobody import any to you mf. Ugh men. Trash.
Another notification popped up but this one is a comment on my picture.
@AveryMadison: You like my ass huh? I like yours too. *winking face* you look gorgeous baby.
Ugh. Swoon. Responding to his comment I said "I'd have to be blind not to, and you're sweet. *heart*
Fuck me, I'm becoming that girl. I like him too much. Gross. Gross. Abort mission. My brain is wheeling. But in true Avery fashion a text comes In.
Avery: stop overthinking it baby, just roll with it. See where the tide takes us, okay?
Nat: I hate that you knew exactly what I was doing. You kind of suck. But yeah. You're right.
Avery: I know you inside and out, literally speaking too if we're honest. Which reminds me, do I really have to sleep alone tonight?
Nat: Unfortunately for you, yes. Good for me though. I need a break sir.
Avery: No you don't. But you do need sleep. So I won't keep you up, I'll see you tomorrow,princess.
Nat: goodnight Av.
I finished my smoothie and laid down in bed. Turning off my lights, I get comfortable. Telling myself I won't stay up and read. But even I know that's a lie. I think it's 11pm before I put this book down. Currently. I have a theory about who 'The dark one' is but I say nothing until I know for sure.
Once I shut my eyes slept found me quickly. But my dreams were anything but restful.

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