Avery being Avery.

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Rachel roses to the party with Landon.
Mav rides with Lance because he's picked up additional girl. And I'm riding with Avery, since I have no clue where we're going.
Avery said it was like a 25 minute drive. But it's no big deal, after his tussle with Lance everyone lost their shit. It's was really too funny.
"You ready babe?"
Avery calls to me as I'm grabbing stuff from my car.
"Yeah just a sec!" I yell back. I put anything valuable under my care seats and lock it up.
Climbing into Avery Jeep, I sit down in the passenger seat while he's waiting in the driver seat.
"So, how did you like your first college grade football game?" He asks
I turn my head and smile. "It was a lot of fun, everyone was super energetic. Hey good job on that touchdown by the way. They never stood a chance. You killed the shit." He starts the car and pulls off.  "Thank you. The guys and I are been playing together for years. Sometimes it's a little messy but most of the time it's good fun."
"Yeah I bet it is. You okay from earlier? You got sacked pretty good first quarter."
He chuckles a little and looks at me with his sparkly eyes "nothing I can't take. I don't have NPS tattooed behind my ear for nothing."
"Wait. What? NPS? That doesn't stand for what I think it does."
He arches a single brow. "No pussy shit."
I laugh and smack his arm. "You are such a dude. Oh my god. I can't believe you got that tatted on you."
He smiles shaking his head "what about you, princess. You got any ink? I've seen you damn close to naked and never noticed any."
Little do you know fucker.
"I have one here," I life up the inside of my wrist and show him the raven wings.  "And a four leaf clover on the top of my hip bone. But those are just little things. I want to get a tattoo down my spine."
He give me a side eye and smirks. "A four leaf clover huh? What's it supposed to indicate?"
"Truthfully, Avery you already know. But it's supposed to be because this pussy is magical. But I regret getting it so bad. It was a dumb drunk decision."
Avery starts laughing again. Like a deep belly full laugh. It's cute. Like really cute. Maybe sexy.
"Okay. Okay. You'll never live that down, just so you know. But what do you want on your spine?"
"The moon phases. I think it's cool how they are ver changing, but it's repetitive. And I'm basically a nocturnal creature." I shrug.
He glances again. "Not gonna lie that would be hot."
"Well yeah."I nod.
We sit inside a comfortable but very loaded silence. After a few minutes I say "Avery just ask."
He grins sheepishly. "You said I'd be rewarded if I did good. I think I did good" now he won't look at me. Holy shit the infamous playboy Avery is nervous. "I did bribe you to win. Yes." He still won't look at me. Oh this is cute. "How far are we from Mav's?" He side eyes me now. "We're about to pull in. It's the house at the end." I unbuckle my seatbelt, as we pull in and say "wait." I climb over the center and crawl into his lap. Straddling him. I interlock my fingers behind is neck and cock my head to the side "what kind of reward do you think you should get Avery?"
He's answering smirk is laced with mischief. "I can show you better than I can tell you" I giggle.
"Go ahead" it takes all of a second before he realizes he can do what he wants and I'll stop him before it goes too far. If I stop him I guess.
He places both hands on my hips and drags my center til I'm as close as I can be to him. Which
In turns presses my chest to his. He slides his hand up my side, grazing it across the side of my boob, my eyes flutter closed. His hand keeps going until it's at the nape of my neck sliding into my hair. Grabbing a handful and pulling a little, my eyes open. Hooded flooded with desire. He pushes me in so that our lips touch once, twice like he's tasting me. Trying to see if I will respond. Which I absolutely am responding it would take all of ten seconds for him to know just how okay with this I am. After the third small tester kiss, I don't let him pull back away. I keep myself planted there parting my lips and grazing my teeth across his bottom lips. The restraint that he had going changes when I feel his smile between our mingled lips. In a matter of seconds we went from sweet fluttery kisses, to eating each other's face. It's a hot kiss, slipped with a little tongue and fueled by a lot of sexual desires. His hands go back around my middle getting me probably as close as I can get to him with clothes on. He tastes like bad decisions and sex and I am fucking here for it. I feel the shift in our kisses when he grinds his very hard length against my center. I've never wished I was wearing a dress is bad in my life.
"We should stop" I mumble between kisses.
"Hmm should we?" Avery grumbles back, voice thick.
"Yeah we definitely should." But neither of us make any move to stop. Not while him hands trail underneath my shirt dragging his fingers up my side. Goosebumps are spreading all down my body. His hand continues its leisurely path up to my breast until he takes one into his hand with a low groan. He swirls his finger around my nipple and exhales sharply.
"So responsive" he says in a gruff voice.  I whimper in response as he slides his tongue across my bottom lip. He kisses along my jaw, to below my ear and then works his way down my neck. I'm trying to catch my breath and failing miserably. "Avery..." I whisper he tightens his grip on me and mumbles against my neck "if you want me to let you go you can't say my name like that Nat." I would rather not take you in my car the first time I have you.
Oh, you cocky son of a bitch.
"Oh really? You think you'll have me more than once hm?" His lips unlatch at my throat and he pulls back with this lazy grin. "Yeah. I do. I think we could have many of times. If that's something you want."
" I- uh Avery I don't know about that. I'm not really looking for long term. I'm not really ready to put myself on the line again." Instead of being mad like I expect him to be he simply smiles that lazy grin again and says "I know you aren't. I'm not asking you too. However, I am saying if you can handle casual sex and it be just because it's fun. Then i will happily do that. And if you like me enough to be something more I'll take it." I'm so taken back I don't even know what to say to him.
But for some reason this is what comes out "your okay with just scratching an itch?"
He nods again. "Yes Nat. I'm into you, like really into you. If we are going to do this I won't be screwing anyone else because that's disrespectful to you. We don't have to label it. It can be whatever you want. You want to sit in my lap at parties. Okay. You want to hold hands at the diner. Okay. You want to just stay physical contact in the bedroom only. Okay. The only thing I expect from you, is that if I'm not sleeping with anyone else, you aren't either."
How is he okay with this. Have I really not noticed how into me he is? I mean we flirt all the time. But that's a big deal. A step. Regardless if its a relationship step. "Natasha, I can literally hear the wheels turning in your head. Don't decide right now. Wait and think it over. You say the word and it's go time. Easy as that." I nod sharply and he puts his hand on the door handle. Nodding toward it. "You ready? I smile at him, "yeah. Let's go"

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