The Party

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"Okay, so I'm going to need you to fill in the blanks for me. You said everyone from your home town was snakey and you hated everyone because of the bullshit that happened with Jade. But if that's true. Then, is this the one person you said you care about?"
Nat asked me quietly. "Okay that's fair. Um. I don't hate everyone. But I was only close to like three people, Aaron being the third person out of the group. So yeah. He's a really good dude, love him to pieces." I responded at a normal tone and locked eyes with Aaron in my passenger seat mirror. Just to see him staring at the back of Rachel's head. Creeper.
"Hey Aaron, your still single right? Got any game plans for this evening, or this summer should I say?"
Aarons eyes looked to me, with a smile and a head nod in Rach's direction. Rolling my eyes I wait for him to answer. "Well. You know, a lot can happen over a summer, so I guess we will see."
Rachel's eyes bulge as she finally catches on that we're going to be roomies for the summer and looks at me with raised eyebrows.
"You're staying for the summer?" Rachel asks.
"Yep. He will be in Miami at the start of school, but knowing his punk ass, he will be around here every chance he gets." I grin at him.
"She thinks we're attached at the hip or something."
I can't stand this fucker.
"Hey! Every pretty girl needs a guy friend to warn off fuck boys, make sure she doesn't get roofied and have her back. Point blank, you are that guy. You always have been."
He squints his eyes and looks at me with the "I know what your doing" face.
Poor Rachel is completely oblivious to the fact that I'm basically setting them up to spend all summer together. Hehehe.
"Tasha, let's not forget you punched Jess in the nose, and then stole the entire parties attention. I don't really think many people will wanna fuck with you after that."
I shrug my shoulders and grin. That was fun. Even if my heart hurt.
Rachel's wide eyes look to me as she loudly asks "WHAT DID YOU DO?!"
I shrug again, smiling. "I just acted like a bitch."
And then I added "hell hath no fury like a woman scorned"
Aarons laughed "have you seen the video?"
I swiveled go look at him my mind going about 90 miles a minute.
"The what?"
Rachel chimes in immediately saying "I so need to see this video. Like asap"
Aarons laughs again and I chuckle a tad. But right as he pulls up the video, we're pulling into the driveway.
"Alright game plan bitches. Get wasted." I look at both of them Rachel is grinning at my attitude and Aaron looks like I've slapped him.
I turn toward him "what?"
"Did you just group me into the 'bitches' category?"
Rachel and I laugh and get out of the car.
"Aaron, do you want to stick with us or go mingle? I've gotta take Nat to meet my brother and his friends. She needs to get laid"
I sputter and glance at her "what?"
I like my book boyfriends and vibrator plenty. I don't need to get laid.
Okay maybe I do. Because that sounds kind of pathetic. I'm 19, I have a lot of living left to do. Maybe I'll just keep feelings out of it. I can do that, right? Right? Not likely. But whatever.
"I do not need to get laid, my guy"
Rachel gives me a knowing look and says "you've been here for three weeks, I'm your only friend and Aaron is the first man you've seen aside from the old dude who jogs the beach in a Speedo"
We both shudder. Lotta jiggle on that one.
Linking arms I say "fine. Whatever"
We walk toward the red and white beach house, we can already hear the music pumping from outside. Aaron give me a mock salute before walking toward the open bar.
Rachel stops us in the middle of the Entry hall and grabs me by the shoulders. "You didn't say he was hot!!!!"
I laugh and shake off her arms.
"I'm not one for blondes. I like dark and mysterious. Plus I've known him forever. He's cute. I'll give him that but I don't see him as bangable."
I chuckle at her.
"I'm just going to ignore the blonde comment, because rude." Pointing toward her hair, continuing "however I think you are blind. That man is fine. Hazel eyes, blonde hair, decent sized muscles, pretty smile. He is a dreamboat. And I have now made it my personal mission to get in his pants." She states matter-of-factly. I roll my eyes, and look back at her so she will start walking again but beige I can speak Aaron comes back to me with three lemon drop shots and says "Nat since I know how you like to start your parties. Here. Rachel, I got us lemons drops too. There a good way to start." She gives me this look that just screams "how are you not into him" and I just shrug before taking the shot. He's hot. Like yeah. But we've been friends for literally ever. I couldn't do it. Ewww.
"Thanks bud. Go have fun! I have to meet guys I guess." Rachel takes my hand and we walk through the impeccably designed house. The color scheme is red and white, just like the outside. But it so works. It's very pretty. Gives like sunset vibes. There are pictures lining the walls of sunsets, dolphins, the ocean. It's a whole vibe and I am here for it. When we get to the back door Rachel opens it and walks us to the group of guys sitting by the grill.
"Lance!" Rachel yells over the music.
All four heads turn our way and let's be honest. They are all hot. Like model hot.
"Hey little bird" I'm guessing Lance turns to Rachel. The blonde hair is the same shade. So it makes sense.
"Hey Avery."
Wait. That's not Lance? Okayyyy.
Avery has strawberry blonde-ish hair. Blue eyes, decently built. He looks like a runner. He has a tattoo on his right arm, and stubble lining his jaw. Cute. Decent. Definitely gives off innocent vibes. Closet freak. Gotta be.
He leans over and give Rachel a cute little side hug. Ah. Nice guy. Safe. Got it. He's Aaron. Bet.
I look at the other three, one of them has red hair, and light blue eyes. He's pretty, but my history with redheads isn't good. So no ma'am.
Right as I'm thinking that Rachel grabs ginger and pulls him in for a full hug and says "hey mav"
Okay. So Mav is the ginger. Avery is the blonde. "Hey gorgeous." Rachel grins. Before stepping to the dark haired, chiseled jaw mountain of a man. He has to be like 6'2. She she's like 5'4. So she looks tiny. "Landon! I didn't think you'd make it!"
He smiles down at her and says "you know I'll always show up for the summer kick off party."
Finally, my eyes land on the last guy, who I swear looks like a Greek god. Perfect cheekbones, jaw sharp enough to cut glass, crystal blue eyes. About 6'1, easily 250lbs if pure muscle. This man is a beast. Absolute beast. He had tattoos wrapping around both arms. Dark brown hair. My God he is gorgeous. "Hey lil bit" Lance says throwing an arm around Rachel and dragging her to his side, away from the other three.
Giving them a pointed look he says "stop hitting on my sister" the guts all laugh and Rachel turns beet red before shrugging out of his arm to come stand by me. "Guys. This is Natasha. Or Nat."
They guys all look between themselves. Like they know something. "What's up guys. It's nice to meet y'all. I've heard a lot about you, all terrible thing I promise." I add a little wave. The tension seems to ease a little.
" okay look. I'll just go ahead and put it out there, Nat we know who you are already because of the viral video."
I'm sorry the what video?!
"Did you say viral?" I look at Landon since he's the one that spoke.
They all nod. "It's literally trending right now, have you been on your phone? Any social media"
I shake my head. "No. I pretty much deleted all by social apps after I left. I didn't want to see all the posts and stuff my Instagram followers keep going up so I guess that makes sense.
Mav laughs and grabs his phone. "Here I'll show you. It's badass."
He shows me his phone with the video and the caption above it says "this girl, Natasha is the epitome of bad bitch vibes. She really just roasted her ex and flaunted what he lost."
The video starts playing with me stepping out red face and looking pissed. Before I start my speech. Once we get to the strip tease part, guys start booting and hollering in the background. Before the camera pans back to the top of the stairs and you see Jess and Jase come into view both sporting bloody swollen noses. Aaron comes out behind them with bloodied knuckles. Love that dude. All of us, including Rachel is watching as Aaron shoves apart the two shitheads and the cheers go up again. Until he gets to the bottom. When Jase takes Jess hand Everyone starts booing, then the video cuts off.
It's basically radio silent, beige Rachel starts screaming "I knew you were a baddie when I met you! That was so fucking dope. Did Aaron hit both of them. Wait no. You got her and Aaron beat the shit out of that dude. Oh my god. I am so here for it. But oh shit. That must've been hard for you to watch."
I shrug. Forcing myself back into a good mood.
"Nah. I'm good homie. I don't worry too much about people that are that insignificant."
I ate back from Mav but can feel eyes on me.
Landon looks at me and say "for what it's worth. You are much hotter than the other girl. And that show you put on was top tier. Do you want a drink? I can grab you one?"
I smile at him and say "yeah sure. Go ahead. Patron and sprite if you can"
"Damn okay new girl. I see you. Hard stuff."
I grin at him while he takes off. Again I feel eye boring into me. Lighting me on fire. I glance over at Lance who hasn't taken his eyes off of me.
I turn toward him fully "thanks for the invite."
He shrugs. "No big."
Landon comes back right then with my drink and I take it with a thank you before Rachel takes my hand and we head to the area where people are dancing.

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