Ch 30: I Don't Get It

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a-ath€tic child-ren.. 😴 while I'm h-h-here. $O vulnerable. T-Th-Th€¥ 🚫 b-E-Be-Be able 2 any-any-ANY longer! !-! do-nt get h-H-ow👆can🧍th-those br@tz Sun-shine.. Naughty 👶 m-must 🐝 PUNished-!

And 🔪..


Sundrop's POV:

The children left and the lights were finally fixed. I raced up to the balcony to go find Moondrop! He was sitting on his bed in his room. I bounced over to him and attacked him with a secret hug!

"Ah-! Babe!" He yelped is surprise.

"Got 'cha~" I snickered.

"Yes yes you got me.. now come here so I can finally fix your wiring."

"Okay okay."

I let go of Moondrop and then sat in front of him facing away. He tilted my head slightly to look at the wires behind my facial plate. After a minute Moondrop groaned and let go of my head.

"There's nothing wrong..? All the wires are in the right place and none are broken." He said.

"I knew everything was fine," I replied, "But there's one thing that I don't get that has nothing to do with my wiring."

"Hm? What is it?"

I crawled up onto the bed and sat next to my boyfriend and placed my head on his shoulder.

"Why weren't you watching the kids during naptime?"

Moondrop paused for a second.

"Because you insisted on doing it remember?"

"No I didn't-"

Moondrop grabbed onto my face and kissed me. I blushed madly.


"At naptime I gave you a kiss and you didn't even blush or look at me-"

I tilted my head in confusion.

"Nevermind.. I'm tired Sun. I'm going to bed-"

"But it's only 4-"


Moondrop laid himself down and went into rest mode right away. I walked away with my brain going through too many thoughts..

The Wires to My Heart//Sundrop x MoondropWhere stories live. Discover now