Ch 15: What's up with Sun?

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Moondrop's POV:

I was sitting in the tower of the daycare. There were only a few minutes until naptime. I watched as Sun played with the children, he was adorable. Although.. he was acting a bit strange today. I noticed he had been heating up and stuttering a lot. Was something wrong with his wiring? 

My thought was interrupted by his voice calling out to the children for naptime. I brushed myself off and grabbed a rope then hooked it to my back. I jumped and glided down to the floor to meet up with my boyfriend and the children. The kids were all grabbing their sleeping bags and heading towards the sleeping area. I saw Sun helping the last few kids with their stuff and I went over and hugged him from behind. Sundrop jumped turning his head around to face me. 

"M-Moony!?" He squeaked.

"Hello darling~" I replied. 

"It's nap-time-!" 

"I'm..aware. Are you alright Sunny?" 

"Of course I-I am!"

"You're stuttering Sun. And heating up. What's wrong? Do I need to call a bot to take you to Parts and Services?"

"No no no! C-C-Can I tell you- during na-naptime?"

"Sure..? Just go into our room and I'll talk to you after helping the kids sleep."

Sundrop nodded and walked away. Something was definitely wrong with him. I shook it off for a bit and went to go put the children to bed. As I was tucking in the kids I was also asked why was wrong with Sundrop. I told them I was unaware but I'll help with him while they sleep. The children silently agreed and all laid down. I walked away and flew back up to the tower to find Sundrop. 

"Sunny?" I called out.

No reply.

"Sundrop?" I called out once again.

No reply.


The Wires to My Heart//Sundrop x Moondropحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن