Ch 11: 2 Gay daycare attendants

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Sundrop's POV:

The sound of children awoke me. I groaned shifting side to side accompanied by the sound of metallic snoring. I sat up rubbing my eyes to see Moondrop still asleep facing the opposite direction. The sound of children laughing rang through my ears once again. I scanned through my programing checking the time it was 5 MINUTES UNTIL THEHE DAYCARE OPENED!??! I quickly jumped out of my bed panicking! I dusted myself off a little bit and checked my wires. I was already good to go! 

I walked over to the balcony and as soon as I stepped out, children rushed in so I naturally I made my usual entrance and fell gently into the ball pit. Children bounced over to the pit and came to greet me. I welcomed them back to the daycare as a few limbed on me and hugged me! It was the best looking after the kids! I was even surprised to see a few older kids maybe around 8-11 but they stayed a little behind the others. 

I climbed out of the pit and walked to the middle of the room followed by the kids. They asked what they were going to do today. 

"You can do anything you want today!" I responded. "As long as no rules are broken of course!"

The kids smiled and giggled then ran off. I was about to follow but got pulled back. I turned to see Moondrop holding onto me.

"Hello Moon!" I said, "It's not naptime yet you know!"

"I'm aware," he responded, "Just wanted to say good morning to ya" 

"Well good morning to you too!"

Moondrop let me go and ran back to the room. I smiled and retuned back to the children. We played hide and seek, drew pictures, and did so much more! There were a few times I spaced out due to me having.. thoughts. B-But the kids helped me! I was very thankful for that!

~Hours later~

It was getting close to snack time and the children gathered around the tables. I brought back some food for them to enjoy! I sat in the middle of two of the children. 

~After snack~

After snack time, I cleaned up the area as the kids set up for naptime. Except for the rest Oder kids. I said they are free to stay up as long as they are somewhat quiet. I walked over to the little ones happily with little bounces in my step. The kids cuddled into their sleeping bags as I dumbed the lights. I was about to go get Moon but he was already down here standing at my side. Moon grabbed onto me again and gave light kisses to my neck. I quietly asked him to sto because there were children around but he didn't seem to care. Moondrop kept kissing me but on my lips this time.

"Are you two dating?" Asked a small girl.


"Why yes we are." Said Moon.

"But you two are both boys-?" Said a small boy.

"My mommy says that if it's two boys or two girls or anybody! They are aloud to date as long as they are happy!" Said another small girl.

"My dad said that that's not aloud!" 

"Kids please-" I spoke out.

"Mr. Sun and Moon sitting in a tree," started a kid as others joined in, "K-I-S-S-I-N-G!"


They continued. I blushed and Moon was enjoying it. Even the older kids joined in on the rest of the song! After they were finished Moon took care of it and I walked away.

The Wires to My Heart//Sundrop x MoondropWhere stories live. Discover now